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单词 genuine
释义  gen·u·ine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ ●●○ S3 W3 adjective  1  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALa genuine feeling, desire etc is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel 〔感情、欲望等〕真正的,真实的 SYN sinceregenuine interest/concern/desire etc The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled. 这些改革是出自对残疾人真切的关心。 a genuine fear of invasion 对入侵的真实恐惧 ‘Did he really?’ Her surprise seemed genuine. “他真的这样?”她好像是真的惊讶。2  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALsomething genuine really is what it seems to be 〔物品〕真的,真正的 SYN real We need laws that will protect genuine refugees. 我们需要有法律来保护真正的难民。 The strap is genuine leather. 这带子是真皮的。3  HONESTFRIENDLYsomeone who is genuine is honest and friendly and you feel you can trust them 真心实意的,真诚的 OPP false She is the most genuine person I’ve ever met. 她是我见过的最真诚的人。4  the genuine article a) informal a person or thing that is a true example of their type 〔某类人或物中〕真正的代表 If you want to meet a real Southerner, Jake is the genuine article. 如果你想认识真正的南方人,杰克就是货真价实的一位。 b) something that is real and is not a copy intended to deceive people 真品 Some fake designer clothes are so good that people have no idea they’re not buying the genuine article. 有些假的名牌衣服做得太好了,人们根本就不知道自己买的不是真品。5 —genuinelyadv The boy seemed genuinely interested.那男孩好像是真的感兴趣。 —genuineness noun [uncountable] THESAURUSgenuine used about a feeling, thing, or person that really is what they seem to be 〔感情、物品、身份等〕真正的,真实的genuine concern 真切的关心Experts believe that the painting is genuine. 专家们认为此画作是真迹。genuine refugees 真正的难民na genuine reason for taking time off worknIf a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.real not false or artificial 真的,真实的real wood 实木His real name is Reginald. 他的真名叫雷金纳德。It looks just like the real thing. 它看上去就和真品一个样。nAre those flowers real or artificial?authentic authentic food, music, clothes etc are correct for the place or the period in history that they are supposed to be from 正宗的,原汁原味的It’s a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food. 那是一家气氛轻松的餐馆,提供正宗的希腊菜肴。authentic medieval instruments 正宗的中世纪乐器nThe dancers wore authentic Native American designs.true [only before noun] having all the qualities you would expect a particular type of person or thing to have 真正的,名副其实的a true friend 真正的朋友She is a true professional. 她是一位名副其实的专家。nBeing a true Red Sox fan, he never missed a game.nTrue Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.bona fide /ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi $ ˈbəʊnə faɪd/ [usually before noun] bona fide people or things are really what they say they are, especially when this can be checked by looking at official documents 真实的〔尤指可通过官方文件核实的〕a bona fide medical qualification 真实的医生资格a bona fide company 合法的公司nThis club is only open to bona fide members.hard evidence/facts evidence or facts that are genuine and can be proved 确凿的证据/事实There was no hard evidence to support the theory. 缺乏确凿的证据来支持这一理论。Examples from the Corpusgenuine• I'm not sure if her sympathy was really genuine.• On the other hand it makes it difficult to reach genuine agreement on anything at all.• As nice and as genuine as they are, they were not exposed to real people.• It is a genuine attack by the self upon the body, by which mental anguish is swapped for bodily pain.• This is the first genuine attempt to reach a peaceful settlement to the dispute.• If the Bill is not amended, those genuine claimants will undoubtedly be penalised.• Are they genuine communities of learners?• a genuine diamond• For the first time on the trip, I saw genuine fear in his eyes.• The stunning luminous display and thickly padded, genuine leather wristband are the height of fashion in any setting.• We need a much faster system for dealing with genuine refugees.• If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.• For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake.genuine interest/concern/desire etc• Shon says, with genuine concern.• Beaverbrook had some genuine concern, and was less consistently anti-Baldwin.• The Profitboss puts money into welfare, motivated by a deep and genuine concern for every single person in his team.• He had shown, or so it had seemed to her at the time, genuine concern for others.• But after a few months, it became apparent that Vicky did not have a genuine interest in her job.• Silent viewing also generates a genuine desire to communicate within the group.• His genuine desire to make up may be interpreted as an attempt to embarrass or be-little.• Some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism, and a genuine desire to work with this age group.Origin genuine (1500-1600) Latin genuinus “born, genuine”gen·u·ine adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that really you genuine a feel, one desire feeling, etc is Corpus




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