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单词 gather
释义  Related topics: Clothes, Clothes & fashiongath·er1 /ˈɡæðə $ -ər/ ●●● S3 W2 verb  1  come together 聚集 [intransitive, transitive]CROWDMEET to come together and form a group, or to make people do this 聚集,集合 A crowd gathered to watch the fight. 一群人聚拢来围观打架。 Thousands of people gathered outside the embassy. 大使馆外面聚集了数千人。gather around/round Gather round, everyone, so that you can see the screen. 大家都聚过来,好看到屏幕。 During the air raids, we gathered the children around us and sang songs. 空袭期间,我们把孩子们聚集在身边唱歌。gather together Could the bride’s family all gather together for a photo? 请新娘一家人聚在一起拍个照,好吗?be gathered Dozens of photographers were gathered outside Jagger’s villa. 好几十名摄影记者聚集在贾格尔的别墅外面。► see thesaurus at meet2  know/think 了解/思考 [intransitive, transitive not in progressive]FIND OUT to believe that something is true because of what you have seen or heard 推断,推测,认为 SYN understand You two know each other, I gather. 我想你们俩认识。gather (that) I gather you’ve had some problems with our sales department. 我猜你和我们的销售部有过一些争执。from what I can gather/as far as I can gather (=this is what I believe to be true) 据我所知 She’s his niece, from what I can gather. 据我所知,她是他的侄女。3  collect 收集 [intransitive, transitive] to get things from different places and put them together in one place 搜集,采集 The researcher’s job is to gather information about people. 这位研究人员的工作是收集人们的信息。 They had gathered 440,000 signatures to support their demand. 他们征集了44万人的签名来支持他们的要求。gather up/together Debbie gathered up the clothes. 黛比把衣服收起来。► see thesaurus at collect4  gather speed/force/momentum etc INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTto move faster, become stronger, get more support etc 加快速度/加大力量/增强势头等 The cart gathered speed as it coasted down the hill. 手推车沿着山坡下滑,速度越来越快。 The international relief effort appears to be gathering momentum. 国际救灾行动的力度似乎在日益加强。5  gather dust USE somethingif something gathers dust, it is not being used 积灰,闲置 books just gathering dust on the shelf 书架上闲置的书本6  cloth 布 [transitive] a) DCCto pull material into small folds 给…打褶裥 The skirt is gathered at the waist. 这条裙子的腰部打了褶裥。 b) DCto pull material or a piece of clothing closer to you 拢起,提起〔材料或衣服〕 Moira gathered her skirts round her and climbed the steps. 莫伊拉提起裙子登上台阶。7  gather yourself/your strength/your thoughts PREPAREto prepare yourself for something you are going to do, especially something difficult 集中全力/整理思绪 I took a few moments to gather my thoughts before going into the meeting. 我整理了一会儿思绪才进去开会。8  clouds/darkness 云朵/黑暗 [intransitive] literaryINCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT to gradually become more cloudy or get darker 积聚 Storm clouds were gathering so we hurried home. 暴风云开始积聚,我们便急忙回家了。the gathering darkness/dusk/shadows etc the evening’s gathering shadows 渐深的暮色9. gather somebody to you/gather somebody up literaryLOVEPROTECT to take someone into your arms and hold them in order to protect them or show them love 拥抱某人,抱住某人→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusgather• Jack was not happy about the news, I gather.• There were gaps between the floorboards where dust and bits of grime had gathered.• By the time the president arrived, a large crowd had gathered.• You had to search through half the estate to gather a pound of coffee for 2 colones.• A crowd gathered around to watch the fight.• A group of elderly folks gather daily at the senior center to sing songs.• Some of the men gathered firewood while others made a fire.• Grandma gathered her scarf around her neck as she went out the door.• As many as 25,000 people gathered in San Cristobal to see off the caravan.• Some hospitals are using twins to gather information on a variety of diseases.• Computers make it far easier to gather information.• But never forget that your mission is greater than the gathering of such requirements along the way.• Harry was afraid. Sweat gathered on his upper lip.• The family gathered on the porch to say goodbye.• Angry workers were gathering on the steps of City Hall.• Many of the plants in the gardens were gathered on trips to Japan and China.• Eager fans are already gathering outside the stadium.• We gathered round the boat with all the sense of adventure of Drake rounding the Horn.• Despite my limited Spanish, I gathered that there was a problem with my passport.• The traders joined him, in a show of support, gathering the garbage cans from across the trading floor.• Gather the material and baste it.• On the psychiatric ward, Muetzel and the others gathered themselves and then the patients to search for a way out.• From what I can gather, there has been fighting further down the valley.• Snow gathered thickly in the folds of their clothes.• A small crowd gathered to watch the fight.• I gather you've decided not to resign after all.crowd gathered• There he sat, marooned and outwardly calm, massaging his injured limb, while a curious crowd gathered.• They came upon a small crowd gathered around a long wooden table that had posters of Sophia Loren hanging along the front.• A crowd gathered at each place, farmers and their wives waiting in their wagons until the children appeared.• One night, a crowd gathered behind me on the pavement.• An angry crowd gathered, confronting the police, who showed little interest in dispersing them, and began taunting the marshals.• A small crowd gathered in the street and was watching through the shattered window.• An 80-strong crowd gathered in the street outside, some jeering as the convoy whisked away.• This cosy arrangement upset a lot of people and an angry crowd gathered outside the palace.gather (that)• The more time they took, the more time there was for a crowd to gather.• He resigned his royal power and organized a commonwealth, building a council hall where the citizens should gather and vote.• In Oklahoma City, the relatives of the victims gathered at a church for news.• He silently helps her gather currants, having interpreted her blush on seeing him as the beginning of affection.• As many as 25,000 people gathered in San Cristobal to see off the caravan.• Nevertheless, the fortress of autocracy had been breached and liberal pressure for further reform could be expected to gather momentum.• Zach threw back the lid in triumph and the twins and George gathered round to look at the contents.• I gather that you really don't want to be here.• It had to be some one, I gather, who would be credible in saying that they knew Sydney.gather up/together• Surely it could not take this long to gather up a few baskets of food?• Pale-cheeked, Lisa watched till the car disappeared from sight, then she gathered up her things and quietly left the office.• He walked to the corner, gathering up his long Marine coat, doing up the buttons and neck flap.• Kings and sheep and whinnying horses and Serving maids and beggar boys gathered together in the frosty imagined night.• He also gathered together nearly all the drawings formerly in his father's collection in order to present them to the public.• He parodied my groping stumble across the stage to the podium and gathered up the skirt to reveal hairy legs and bloomers.• I think I even intended to gather up the sleeping bundle in my arms and take it away from this dreadful precipice.• Have you been able to gather together the whole of your father's former collection?clouds ... gathering• And out in the world, new storm clouds were gathering.• As they drew close to the outskirts of Chichester itself rain clouds were gathering.• But suddenly the storm clouds are gathering.• Despite the recent good figures, clouds are gathering.• As he gazes from his White House window Clinton sees clouds gathering on the horizon and dimming his shining hour.• Glancing up at the sky, she saw the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.• The tensions aboard the boat are as thick and ominous as thunderstorm clouds gathering over the ocean.• There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead now and a chill wind.Related topics: Clothesgather2 noun [countable]  DCCa small fold produced by pulling cloth together 褶裥Origin gather1 Old English gaderiangath·er1 verbgather2 nounChineseSyllable   to a group, form or Corpus come and together to




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