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单词 apoplectic
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityap·o·plec·tic /ˌæpəˈplektɪk◂/ adjective  1  informalANGRY so angry that your face becomes red 气得脸发红的 The colonel was apoplectic with rage. 上校气愤得满脸通红。2. MI old-fashioned relating to apoplexy 中风的Examples from the Corpusapoplectic• Hurrying back to the office he found the would-be client gone and his boss apoplectic.• In the midst of a sermon, he suffered an apoplectic attack and remained unconscious for the rest of his life.• Before you go apoplectic, hear me out.• Does it induce a nice warm glow, or bring on a fit of apoplectic rage?ap·o·plec·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable  red Corpus your face that angry so becomes




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