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单词 forgetful
释义 Word family  noun forgetfulness adjective forgetful forgettable ≠ unforgettable verb forget adverb forgetfully unforgettably  for·get·ful /fəˈɡetfəl $ fər-/ adjective  FORGEToften forgetting things 健忘的,爱忘事的 —forgetfully adverb —forgetfulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusforgetful• My grandfather is getting more forgetful.• Also he appeared to have corrupted her: she was alternately prickly and forgetful.• Ellen was about as disorganized and forgetful as any fourth grade child in memory.• She was easily distracted and forgetful at school.• My grandfather's getting so forgetful - I have to remind him to take his medication.• In the aftermath she nestled in his arms, forgetful of the time.• They can also be forgetful or very tired and perhaps bad tempered.• Indeed I was forgetful, pathologically so, and for this too I felt nothing but remorse.for·get·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  forgetting things often Corpus




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