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单词 footman
释义  Related topics: Householdfoot·man /ˈfʊtmən/ noun (plural footmen /-mən/) [countable]  DHa male servant in the past who opened the front door, announced the names of visitors etc 〔旧时应门、通报访客姓名等的〕男仆Examples from the Corpusfootman• A footman came and did something deft with a spoon and a plate and a linen napkin.• As such, they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks, footmen and other servants.• The powder footmen used in their wigs was, unlike snow, subject to a tax.• That sweet smell was death's footman.• Artemis followed the footman across the faded rug, behind the backs of the guests.• He went up to the next floor, where uniformed footmen and maids were dispensing coffee and cakes, biscuits and ices.foot·man nounChineseSyllable  in male past opened servant Corpus who the a




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