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单词 antiquity
释义  an·tiq·ui·ty /ænˈtɪkwəti/ noun (plural antiquities)  1  [uncountable]PAST ancient times 古代in antiquity The common household fork was nearly unknown in antiquity. 古时,几乎看不到普通的家用餐叉。2  [uncountable]OLD-FASHIONED the state of being very old 古老,年代久远 a building of great antiquity 非常古老的建筑物3  [countable usually plural]OLD-FASHIONED a building or object made in ancient times 古迹,古物,古建筑 a collection of Roman antiquities 一批古罗马文物Examples from the Corpusantiquity• The museum contains Soane's personal collection of art and antiquities.• The Kalahari only partly closes the way to the South; and the Sahara was crossed as early as classical antiquity.• Prehistoric archaeologists the world over have increasingly focussed attention on the ecological and economic aspects of life in antiquity.• Beyond its antiquity, it is hard to say precisely what makes the Old Course such a pleasure.• Norbert Schimmel was famous as a passionate collector of antiquities spanning 8,000 years of human creativity.• the antiquity of Chinese culturean·tiq·ui·ty nounChineseSyllable   times ancient Corpus




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