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单词 fluke
释义  fluke /fluːk/ noun [countable] informal  CHANCE/BY CHANCEsomething good that happens because of luck 侥幸,偶然,意外 He agreed that the second goal was a fluke. 他也认为第二个进球实属侥幸。 —fluky, flukey adjective a fluky win 侥幸获胜Examples from the Corpusfluke• Unconsciously we feel it was a fluke and we are afraid of being found out.• I'll have to win more than once, otherwise people will think it was a fluke.• This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.• But there was no fluke, and no mistake, about what happened here Sunday.• By some terrific fluke Richard came face to face with his future at the precise time he most needed to see it.Origin fluke (1800-1900) Origin unknown. fluke nounChinese  that something good of happens Corpus because luck




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