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单词 flood
释义  Related topics: Natureflood1 /flʌd/ ●●○ W3 verb  1  cover with water 被水淹 [intransitive, transitive]DNWET to cover a place with water, or to become covered with water (被)淹没 Towns and cities all over the country have been flooded. 全国各地的城镇都被淹没了。 The houses down by the river flood quite regularly. 沿河的房屋常遭水淹。2  river 河流 [intransitive, transitive]DNWATER if a river floods, it is too full, and spreads water over the land around it 泛滥 There are now fears that the river could flood. 现在人们担心河水会泛滥。3  go/arrive in large numbers 大量前往/到达 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers 〔大量地〕涌到,涌去 SYN pour, flow Refugees are still flooding across the border. 仍有大批难民涌过边界。 Donations have been flooding in since we launched the appeal. 我们发出呼吁后,捐款如潮水般涌来。4  flood something with something to send a very large number of things to a place or organization 将某物大量送至某地[某机构] a plan to flood the country with forged banknotes 使大量假钞流入该国的计划5  be flooded with something GETto receive so many letters, complaints, or inquiries that you cannot deal with them all easily 大量收到某物 We’ve been flooded with offers of help. 人们纷纷表示愿意为我们提供帮助。6  flood the market BBTto produce and sell a very large number of one type of thing, so that the price goes down 〔用某物〕充斥市场〔以造成价格下跌〕flood the market with Car manufacturers have been accused of flooding the market with cheap cars. 汽车制造商被指责以廉价汽车充斥市场。7  light 光线 [intransitive, transitive]BRIGHT if light floods a place or floods into it, it makes it very light and bright 照亮,(使)明亮flood into Light flooded into the kitchen. 光线照亮厨房。flood something with something The morning sun flooded the room with a gentle light. 柔和的晨光洒满房间。8  feeling 感觉 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETC if a feeling or memory floods over you or floods back, you feel or remember it very strongly 〔感觉或回忆〕涌上心头,涌现flood over/back I felt happiness and relief flooding over me. 我感到幸福和宽慰包围了我。 Memories of my time in Paris flooded back. 在巴黎生活的回忆又涌上我心头。9. engine 发动机 [intransitive, transitive]TTC if an engine floods or if you flood it, it has too much petrol in it, so that it will not start (使)〔汽油〕满溢10.flood somebody ↔ out phrasal verb LEAVE A PLACEto force someone to leave their home because of floods 〔洪水〕迫使某人离开家园→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusflood• After two days of continuous rain, the village was flooded.• Three major rivers have already flooded, and two more are on red alert.• If ozone deterioration persisted, they warned, solar ultraviolet radiation would flood Earth.• Loneliness flooded her as she watched J.D. walk away.• And as she remembered her own vivid imaginings a blush crept up her throat to flood her cheeks with hot colour.• The whole town flooded last summer.• That wild sky and those immaculate rivers come flooding, literally, across the border.• To flood the air with carbon dioxide, the biospherians hauled back the tons of dried grass clippings they had removed earlier.• They believe moves to tighten the gun laws even further could result in even more firearms flooding the black market.• Farmers flood the fields in order to grow rice.• The fire department showed up and flooded the hall with their hoses.• Donations flooded the newspaper and the school.• In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours.• Melting snow floods the valleys each spring.• Dust floated in the beams of light that flooded through the fanlight over the front door.• The small room was flooded with light.flood over/back• All her misgivings came flooding back.• My heart skipped a beat and the fear came flooding back.• She glimpsed smooth skin, but the blood and dirt flooded back in.• Colour flooded back into her life, like magic.• And at once all the warnings flooded back into her mind.• When there are sudden floods over the banks, more sand and mud are deposited, mainly near the river channel.• The stammered words of the Consul flooded back to him.• Once the search area has been widened however, enthusiasm flooded back with a loud response from one of the metal detectors.Related topics: Natureflood2 ●●○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]DNWATER a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry 洪水,水灾 The village was cut off by floods. 那个村子因洪水而与外界中断了联系。 the worst floods for over fifty years 五十多年来最严重的水灾2  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT[countable] a very large number of things or people that arrive at the same time 大量flood of The UN appealed for help with the flood of refugees crossing the border. 大量难民涌过边界,联合国呼吁援助。3  in floods of tears crying a lot 泪如雨下 She came downstairs in floods of tears. 她泪流满面地走下楼来。4. in flood DNa river that is in flood has much more water in it than usual 〔河水〕上涨,泛滥 → flash flood at flash3(1)Examples from the Corpusflood• There has been an extensive programme of restorations in Venice since the 1966 flood.• The same would be true if Clinton responds by scaring women about a flood of pro-life Dole-appointed judges.• A flood of refugees poured over the bridge to escape the fighting.• The town was completely destroyed by floods.• They remember vividly how floods once killed hundreds of thousands, and buried villages and temples.• Even an occasional flood would not hurt, he said, because water could be released.• It could provide data for other endeavors and possibly influence government codes regulating flood control.• Helicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the flood waters.• Snapping out of his brief trance, Mungo supposed Stanley was relieved that at least the shop had survived the flood.• Yosemite National Park is restricting access to the Park in order to cope with the flood damage.• The company has employed a number of new staff to cope with the flood of visitors to the site.• What is generating this uncontrollable flood?• the wide flood plains of the River Nile• Last winter, the town suffered the worst floods for fifty years.flood of refugees• The moves also came amid increased cooperation over immigration issues following a 1994 flood of refugees.• The most immediate threat remains the current drought and the danger of a flood of refugees.nthe FloodFlood, the  n1. a story told in the Old Testament of the Bible about a great flood that covered the whole world. According to the story, God caused the Flood because he was angry with the people on Earth and wanted to punish them. He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and most of the people and animals on Earth were killed. Only one man, Noah, and his family were saved. God told Noah to build an ark (=a large boat) and to take two of every kind of animal on the ark with him. When the rain stopped and the water level began to go down, Noah sent out a dove to look for land, and the bird returned carrying an olive branch to show that the land was reappearing.n2. before the Flood a very long time agoFrom Longman Business Dictionaryfloodflood1 /flʌd/ verb1[transitive] to send a large number of things such as letters or requests to an organizationflood something withDealers flooded Congress with angry letters.Swiss banks have been flooded with deposits and loan requests from blue-chip American firms.2[intransitive] to arrive in large numbersflood in/into/across etcDonations have been flooding in since we launched the appeal.As his corruption became evident, the usually tolerant Brazilians flooded onto the streets and drove Mr Collor out.3flood the market to make a product available in large quantities, perhaps with the result that its price fallsAuto-makers have been flooding the market with late-model used cars.→ See Verb tablefloodflood2 noun [uncountable] a large number of things or people that arrive at the same timeflood ofThe last-minuteflood of applications means most small investors will probably be allocated fewer than 400 shares.The flood of credit into the housing market fuelled house-price inflation.Origin flood2 Old English flodflood1 verbflood2 nounFlood, theLDOCE OnlineChinese  cover a covered with place water, to Business become to or Corpus




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