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单词 fix
释义  Related topics: Painting and drawing, Photographyfix1 /fɪks/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  repair 修理 [transitive]REPAIR to repair something that is broken or not working properly 修理 He’s outside fixing the brakes on the car. 他在外面修理汽车的刹车。 Ellis was able to quickly find and fix the problem. 埃利斯马上就找到并解决了问题。► see thesaurus at repair2  limit 限制 [transitive]LIMIT a) to decide on a limit for something, especially prices, costs etc, so that they do not change 确定,决定〔价格、成本等〕 SYN setfix something at something The interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%. 利率已经定为6.5%。 Rent was fixed at $1,750 per month. 租金定为每月1,750美元。 b) if two or more companies fix the price for a particular product or service, they secretly agree on the price they will charge for it, in order to keep the price high and make more profit. This practice is illegal 操纵〔价格〕 The government accused the two companies of fixing petrol prices. 政府指控那两家公司操纵汽油价格。3  fix a time/date/place etc ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto decide on a particular time etc when something will happen 确定时间/日期/地点等 Have you fixed a date for the wedding yet? 你确定婚礼的日期了吗?4  arrange 安排 (also fix up) [intransitive, transitive]ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC spoken to make arrangements for something 安排 ‘So when do I get to meet them?’ ‘Tomorrow, if I can fix it.’ “那么,我什么时候能见他们?”“明天,要是我能安排上的话。”fix (it) for somebody to do something I’ve fixed for you to see him this afternoon at four. 我替你安排了今天下午四点同他会面。5  attach 固定 [transitive]ATTACH to attach something firmly to something else, so that it stays there permanently 使固定,安装fix something to/on something The shelves should be fixed to the wall with screws. 架子应当用螺丝固定在墙上。6  prepare food 准备食物 [transitive] informal especially American EnglishCOOK to prepare a meal or drinks 准备〔食物或饮料〕 SYN get I’ll watch the kids and you fix dinner. 我看孩子,你去准备晚餐。fix somebody something Can I fix you a snack? 要我去给你弄点儿点心吗? Terry fixed herself a cold drink and sat out on the balcony. 特里给自己倒了杯冷饮,坐到外面的阳台上。► see thesaurus at cook7  solve 解决 [transitive] to find a solution to a problem or bad situation 解决〔问题〕 The government seems confident that environmental problems can be fixed. 政府似乎有信心解决环境问题。8  fix your attention/eyes/mind etc on somebody/something CAREFULto think about or look at someone or something carefully 把注意力/双眼/思想等集中在某人/某物上 Aziz tried to fix his mind on the job at hand. 阿齐兹努力想把思想集中在手头的工作上。 Every eye was fixed on the new girl. 每双眼睛都盯着那个新来的女孩。9  fix somebody with a stare/glare/look etc literaryLOOK AT to look directly at someone for a long time 盯着某人 Rachel fixed him with an icy stare. 蕾切尔冷冷地盯着他。10  hair/face 头发/脸 [transitive] especially American EnglishDCB to make your hair or make-up look neat and attractive 整理〔头发、妆容〕 Who fixed your hair for the wedding? 你在婚礼上的发式是谁给你梳的? Hold on. Let me just fix my face (=put on make-up) before we go out. 等等,让我化一下妆再出门。11. cat/dog 猫/狗 [transitive] American English informalDHP to do a medical operation on a cat or dog so that it cannot have babies 阉割〔猫、狗〕 SYN neuter12  result 结果 [transitive]CHEAT to arrange an election, game etc dishonestly, so that you get the result you want 操纵〔选举、比赛等〕 Many suspected that the deal had been fixed in advance. 许多人怀疑这交易有人事先操纵。13. paintings/photographs 绘画/照片 [transitive]AVPTCP technical to use a chemical process on paintings, photographs etc that makes the colours or images permanent 使〔颜色〕固着,定〔影〕14  punish 惩罚 [transitive] informal used to say that you will punish someone you are angry with 收拾,惩罚 If anybody did that to me, I’d fix him good. 要是有人那样对我的话,我会好好修理他的。15  be fixing to do something American English spokenPREPARE to be preparing to do something – used in some parts of the US 准备[打算]做某事〔美国部分地区使用〕 I’m fixing to go to the store. Do you need anything? 我准备去商店,你需要什么东西吗?16 fix on somebody/something phrasal verb CHOOSEto choose a suitable thing or person, especially after thinking about it carefully 〔尤指经过认真考虑后〕选定,确定 We’ve finally fixed on a place to have the concert. 我们终于定好了举行音乐会的地点。17 fix somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto arrange a meeting, event etc 安排〔会议、活动等〕 I fixed up an interview with him. 我安排了一次对他的采访。 We’ll have to fix up a time to meet. 我们得安排一个见面的时间。b) IMPROVEto decorate or repair a room or building 装修,修整〔房间或建筑物〕 SYN do up We fixed up the guest bedroom before he came to stay. 我们在他来住之前收拾了客房。c) PROVIDEto provide someone with something they want 供给,提供 with Can you fix me up with a bed for the night? 你能弄张床让我过夜吗?d) PROVIDEto find a suitable romantic partner for someone 为…找〔情侣〕,为…介绍〔对象〕 with I asked my best friend to fix me up with someone. 我叫我最要好的朋友给我找个对象。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfix• If you ask me, the whole thing was fixed.• Many people believe that the outcome of wrestling matches are fixed.• The project has finally been approved and they budget has been fixed.• Interest rates for savings accounts have been fixed at 7% for the rest of the year.• I must get my camera fixed before we go to France.• He was convicted of fixing college basketball games in the 1950s.• I'll fix her! Just you wait!• His father was growing short-tempered as one interview after another proved to be fixed in some one else's favour.• As soon as you've fixed it, drop a note to your boss and tell him what you've done.• If the tooth is loosened in its socket, modern dental surgery may be able to fix it to adjacent teeth.• If you want a chance to meet the Senator, I can fix it.• I have to fix lunch now.• Let me fix my hair first and then we can go.• The doctors don't know if they can fix my kneecap.• The roof was to be of copper, and that decision automatically fixed one of the colors.• I'll need to fix the boat before we can go out in it.• He fixed the lamp to the wall above the bed with a couple of screws.• Gale waited while Seldon fixed the projector.• They disconnected the gas, and fixed the water heater to an outside wall.• I tried to fix them on the door, but they wouldn't stay.• I don't think it's fixed to the ceiling very securely.• The chairs and tables were fixed to the floor.• He had hoped to switch from a 8. 25 percent adjustable to a 15-year fixed under 7. 5 percent.• If you're hungry, I can fix you some scrambled eggs.fix (it) for somebody to do something• Sunday was the only day when Joan's routine was sufficiently fixed for me to know what she was doing.fix something to/on something• We fixed the shelves to the wall with steel bolts.fix somebody something• Sit down. I'll fix you a martini.fix ... face• He pulled cautiously on my coat, his eyes fixed on my face.• Terry was in the bathroom, fixing her face.• It felt as if it was fixed on my face for ever.Related topics: Drug culturefix2 noun  1  [countable] something that solves a problem 解决方法 Robinson called the proposal a quick fix (=a temporary or easy solution) of limited value. 鲁宾逊称那项提议只是个权宜之计,意义不大。2  (be) in a fix to have a problem that is difficult to solve 陷入困境 SYN (be) in a mess We’re going to be in a real fix if we miss that bus. 要是我们赶不上那班公交车,就真的麻烦了。 That’s put us in a fix. 那件事让我们陷入了困境。3  [singular]MDD an amount of something, especially an illegal drug such as heroin, that you often use and badly want 〔一剂〕致瘾的东西,毒品 addicts looking for a fix 寻找毒品的瘾君子 I need my fix of caffeine in the morning or I can’t think. 我早上总得来点咖啡因,不然就无法思考问题。4  get a fix on somebody/something a) TMto find out exactly where someone or something is 确定某人/某物的位置 He peered out, trying to get a fix on the enemy’s position. 他凝视着外面,试图确定敌人的位置。 b) UNDERSTANDto understand what someone or something is really like 对某人/某事得出确切的看法 I couldn’t seem to get a fix on the situation. 我有些搞不清状况。5  [singular]CHEAT something that has been dishonestly arranged 受操纵的事 People think the election was a fix. 民众认为这次选举有人搞鬼。Examples from the Corpusfix• The streets are filled with drug addicts looking for a fix.• His was a never-ending search for a fix.• The election was a fix!• Supporters of the losing team protested that the whole thing was a fix.• I need to have my coffee fix in the morning before I speak to anyone.• With luck, one could hope to get a longitude fix once a year by this technique.• Nor is a quick monetary fix available.• And there are even a couple of fixes that failed.• One technological fix for this problem is to fit carousels on to the welding machines.• This book assesses the technological fix for the muddle left by downsizing and reengineering.• Oh, the fix, the fix!• Some one is trying to put the fix on him - whoever they are they're not getting help from me.quick fix• I do not believe that there is a quick fix for the coal industry.• This, therefore, is a quick fix Bill.• It is better to strive for slow and gradual, but substantial, progress than a quick fix that may be ephemeral.• A quick fix clearly becomes unfixed.• Exercise is usually the best quick fix.• There are no quick fixes that enable work-inhibited students to become academically competent.• There will be no quick fix for the San Francisco Giants.• More often, we opted for the quick fix or the solution offered by the management guru of the month.From Longman Business Dictionaryfixfix1 /fɪks/ verb [transitive]1informal to repair somethingWe had to fix some computer problems.It will cost millions of dollars tofix the system.2to decide on a level, value etc for somethingIt is very difficult to fix an offer price several weeks in advance.fix atThe interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%.3 (also fix up) to make arrangements for somethingThey agreed to fix a time for the interview.Mike wants to fix up a meeting with you.4to arrange something dishonestly in order to get the result you wantWe suspected that the deal had been fixed in advance.→ See Verb tablefixfix2 noun1[countable] something that has been dishonestly arrangedAllegations of a fix were not proven.Obviously his appointment was a fix.2[countable] a solution to a problem, especially if the solution is temporaryThey do not want aquick fix, they want a resolution of the issues.Is there a fix for the suffering Caribbean economy?3[countable]COMPUTING a solution to a computer software problemDo not apply this fix if you are running a Power PC Mac.The bug fixes in previous versions of the software are also included in the current update.4get a fix on somebody/something to understand what someone or something is really likeInvestors are trying to get a fix on Sony’s future.Origin fix1 (1400-1500) Latin fixus, past participle of figere “to fasten”fix1 verb →10-17fix2 nounChinese   Business repair something to Corpus is that or broken




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