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单词 fire
释义  fire1 /faɪə $ faɪr/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  flames that destroy things 毁坏东西的火焰 [countable, uncountable]FIRE uncontrolled flames, light, and heat that destroy and damage things 火;失火,火灾 The warehouse was completely destroyed by fire. 仓库全给烧毁了。 Thirty people died in a fire in downtown Chicago. 30人死于芝加哥市中心的一场火灾。 Police think that the fire was started deliberately. 警方认为有人故意纵火。 Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores (=made them start burning). 暴徒纵火焚烧了一整排商店。non fire (=burning)n Within minutes, the entire building was on fire.n Grammar ✗ Don’t say: in fire →4  See picture of 见图 fire2  flames for heating/cooking etc 取暖/烹饪等用的火 [countable]FIRE burning material used to heat a room, cook food etc, or get rid of things you do not want 炉火,灶火 You put up the tent and I’ll make a fire. 你搭帐篷,我来生火。 Can you help me light the fire? 你帮我点火好吗? The fire has almost gone out (=stopped burning). 火差不多灭了。 They all sat around the camp fire, singing songs. 他们全都坐在篝火旁唱歌。 The fire was still smouldering in the grate (=there was a little smoke and it had almost stopped burning). 炉膛里仍有余火。by the fire/in front of the fire 坐到炉火前面来。 Come and sit by the fire. 坐到炉火前面来。 They dried their clothes in front of an open fire. 他们在明火前烘衣服。3  heating equipment 取暖设备 [countable] British EnglishDHF a machine that produces heat to warm a room, using gas or electricity as power 取暖器,暖气装置 a gas fire 煤气取暖器 an electric fire 电取暖器turn the fire on/off Turn on the fire, I’m cold. 开取暖器吧,我冷。turn the fire up/down (=make it hotter or colder) 开大/关小取暖器4  shooting 射击 [uncountable]SHOOT shots fired from a gun, especially many guns at the same time 射击,火力 Troops opened fire on (=started shooting at) the demonstrators. 军队朝示威人群开枪。 These women did vital work, often under enemy fire. 这些女性的工作至关重要,而且往往是在敌人的炮火之下。 The rebels agreed to hold their fire (=not shoot). 叛乱分子同意停止射击。 → be in the line of fire at line1(35)5  BE ATTACKED 遭受攻击be/come under fire a) to be severely criticized for something you have done – used in news reports 受到严厉[猛烈]批评〔用于新闻报道〕 Rail chiefs came under fire after raising train fares. 火车票涨价之后,铁路方面主管人员受到猛烈抨击。 b) to be shot at 遭枪击be/come under fire from Our patrol came under fire from rooftop gunmen. 我们的巡逻队遭到了屋顶枪手的射击。6  emotion 感情 [uncountable]EMOTIONAL a very strong emotion that makes you want to think about nothing else 狂热的情感,激情fire of the fire of religious fanaticism 宗教狂热的烈火7  fire in your belly a strong desire to achieve something 雄心壮志,强烈的愿望 Ali returned to boxing with a new fire in his belly. 阿里怀着重新燃起的斗志返回拳坛。8. SICK/INJURED 生病的/受伤的be on fire literaryHURT/CAUSE PAIN a part of your body that is on fire feels very painful 〔身体某部位〕火辣辣地疼痛9. light a fire under somebody American English spokenWORK THAT somebody DOES to do something that makes someone who is being lazy start doing their work 使某人〔指偷懒者〕加把劲10. go through fire (and water) (for somebody) old-fashionedDANGEROUS to do something very difficult and dangerous for someone (为某人)赴汤蹈火11. fire and brimstone RRCa phrase describing Hell, used by some religious people 硫磺烈火〔一些宗教人士形容地狱的说法〕 → ceasefire, → add fuel to the fire/flames at add(9), → fight fire with fire at fight1(18), → get on like a house on fire at house1(11), → hang fire at hang1(12), → play with fire at play1(26), → set the world on fire at world1(26), → there’s no smoke without fire at smoke1(5) COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: uncontrolled flames, light, and heat that destroy and damage things 火;失火,火灾verbsstart a fire 生火,点火The fire may have been started by a cigarette. 火灾可能是由一支香烟引起的。set fire to something/set something on fire (=make something start burning) 点着某物A candle fell over, setting fire to the curtains. 一支蜡烛倒了,点着了窗帘。something catches fire (=it starts burning) 某物着火The boat caught fire and sank. 小船着火沉没了。put out a fire (also extinguish a fire formal) (=stop a fire burning) 灭火Firemen successfully extinguished the fire. 消防员成功扑灭了大火。fight a fire (=try to make a fire stop burning) 救火Further attempts to fight the fire were abandoned. 放弃了继续救火的尝试。a fire burns 火燃烧The fire was burning more strongly every minute. 眼看着火越烧越旺。a fire breaks out (=it starts suddenly) 失火A fire broke out in the engine room. 轮机舱失火了。a fire goes out (=it stops burning) 火熄灭After several hours, the fire eventually went out. 几个小时后,火终于熄灭了。a fire rages/blazes (=it burns strongly for a long time over a large area) 大火肆虐nFires were raging in the forest near Magleby.a fire spreads 大火蔓延nThe fire spread to the house next door. something is damaged/destroyed by fire 某物毁于大火nThe school was badly damaged by fire.phrasesbe on fire (=be burning) 着火The whole house was on fire within minutes. 不消几分钟,整幢房子都烧了起来。bring a fire under control 控制火势Firefighters took more than an hour to bring the fire under control. 消防员用一个多小时控制住了火势。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + firea big/major fire 大火A big fire was raging at the fuel depot. 油库燃起大火。a forest fire (=a very large fire in a forest) 森林火灾nGreece has suffered many forest fires this brush fire (=a very large fire in an area of grass)There were frequent brush fires during the hot dry summers.a house fire (=a fire that starts inside a house) 住宅火灾nFaulty electrical wiring is being blamed for a house fire. COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: burning material used to heat a room, cook food etc, or get rid of things you do not want 炉火,灶火nverbsmake/build a fireHe found wood to make a fire.start/light a fireIt was too damp to light a fire.put something on the firePut another log on the fire.cook something over a fireThey cooked strips of meat over a wood fire.a fire smoulders (=a little smoke comes from a fire when it has almost gone out)The fire was smouldering in the grate. 炉膛里仍有余火。a fire dies down (=it burns less strongly)The fire slowly died down.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + firenan open fire (=a fire in a room that is not inside a stove etc)Sophie warmed herself by the open roaring fire (=a fire that is burning strongly)I sat by the roaring fire and dried camp fire (=a fire that you make outside when you are camping)In the evening we sat around the camp coal/wood/log fireThere was a coal fire in the sitting room.a gas fire 煤气取暖器nShe lit the gas fire and settled in front of the real fire (=one that burns wood or coal)There was a real fire blazing in the fireplace.nphrasesthe embers of a fire (=pieces of wood, coal etc that have almost been completely burned)He stared at the glowing embers of the fire. THESAURUSfire flames that burn in an uncontrolled way and destroy or damage things 火灾In April, a fire at the school destroyed the science block. 四月份,学校的一场大火烧毁了理科大楼。a forest fire 森林火灾flames the bright parts of a fire that you see burning in the air 火焰The flames from the burning building were lighting up the night sky. 失火大楼上腾起的火焰照亮了夜空。blaze written a large and dangerous fire – used especially in news reports 烈火〔尤用于新闻报道〕Firemen fought to keep the blaze under control. 消防员奋力控制火势。inferno written an extremely large and dangerous fire which is out of control – used especially in news reports 熊熊烈火,火海〔指难以控制的火势;尤用于新闻报道〕The entire building was on fire and hundreds of people were trapped in the inferno. 整幢大楼都在燃烧,数百人被困火海。conflagration /ˌkɒnfləˈɡreɪʃən $ ˌkɑːn-/ formal a very large fire that destroys a lot of buildings, trees etc 大火The conflagration spread rapidly through the old town. 大火迅速蔓延整个古镇。Examples from the Corpusfire• Georg Latzelberger, was destroyed in a forced-landing having been hit by both fighters and A.A. fire.• Eleven people died in a fire in Chicago early Monday.• The most commonly used pumps are submersible electric ones that pump out water through what looks like a fire hose.• The old man lit a fire in the stove of the front room.• The ship was hit by fire from a German plane.• We noticed that the enemy fire was now being directed at our part of the field.• A forest fire had been raging in the south and the sky in that direction had a deep red glow.• There was a sudden burst of machine gun fire.• There's nothing more comforting than a blazing log fire.• The rebel musketry fire was pouring... upon our men, who were closing together and rallying under the attack.• Most animals are afraid of fire.• It will not even perish by the flames of fire.• He thought that they would stay there, the track giving them visibility and line of fire.• My feet were on fire after the trek up the mountain.• The three main mast tips suddenly spout fire casting an eerie glow over the ship.• In the evenings the whole family would gather around the fire.• Police believe the fire in the store was started deliberately.• Could you bring in some wood for the fire?• You got the fire way up high.• Investigators say the fire probably broke out in the hotel kitchen.• Winds quickly spread the fire across the valley.• The fire was started by an electrical fault.• The fire quickly spread throughout the building.• When did humans first learn to use fire?turn the fire on/off• He turned the fire off and sat down on the settee, looking at the woman all the while.hold ... fire• Hold Fire to keep the shape attached; release it to send it flying.• The church has held them through fire and cholera epidemics since they arrived here with the compliments of the Bishop of London.• She found herself thinking, I have held my fire too long and lost the moment of action.• I held my fire until the enemy was within range.• It held passion and fire, it was a kiss of domination that asked for surrender yet promised surrender in return.• I am going to hold my fire until I see the whites of their eyes.• Thiercelin signalled to the sharpshooters manning the lower windows of the dining-room to hold their fire.• One could see the edges of the iron basket which held the of• Nothing could dampen the fire of his enthusiasm for music.Related topics: Pottery & ceramics, Motor vehiclesfire2 ●●○ S3 W3 verb  1  shoot 射击 [intransitive, transitive]SHOOT to shoot bullets or bombs 开(枪),开 (炮),发射fire at/on/into Soldiers fired on the crowd. 士兵朝人群开枪。fire something at somebody The police fired two shots at the suspects before they surrendered. 警察朝嫌犯开了两枪他们才投降。fire a gun/weapon/rifle etc (=make it shoot) 开枪/发射武器/击发步枪等 the sound of a gun being fired 枪声fire bullets/missiles/rockets etc Guerrillas fired five rockets at the capital yesterday, killing 23 people. 昨天,游击队朝首都发射了5枚火箭弹,炸死23人。► see thesaurus at shoot2  job 工作LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION [transitive] to force someone to leave their job 开除,解雇 SYN British English sackbe/get fired She didn’t want to get fired. 她不想被解雇。fire somebody from something I’ve just been fired from my job, and I don’t know what to do. 我刚被解雇,不知道该怎么办。fire somebody for something The airline fired him for being drunk. 航空公司因为他醉酒把他开除了。 RegisterIn written English, people usually say that someone is dismissed rather than fired, which is slightly informal: 在英语书面语中,人们一般说someone is dismissed,不说fired,因为后者显得不那么正式He was dismissed for being drunk. 他因醉酒而被开除。3  excite 使激动 [transitive]EXCITEDINTERESTED to make someone feel interested in something and excited about it 使充满热情;激发,激励 SYN inspirebe fired with enthusiasm I was fired with enthusiasm to go traveling in Asia. 我满怀热情去亚洲旅行。fire somebody’s enthusiasm/imagination stories of magic and adventure that fire children’s imaginations 激发儿童想象力的魔法和历险故事4. QUESTIONS 问题fire questions at somebody ASK A QUESTIONto ask someone a lot of questions quickly, often in order to criticize them 对某人提出一连串质问5  wood-fired/gas-fired/coal-fired using wood, gas, or coal as fuel 烧木柴的/烧煤气的/烧煤的 a gas-fired stove 煤气炉 a coal-fired boiler 燃煤锅炉6  clay 黏土 [transitive]TIP to bake bricks, clay pots etc in a kiln 〔在窰里〕烧制 fired earthenware 烧制好的陶器7. engine 发动机 [intransitive]TTC if a vehicle’s engine fires, the petrol is lit to make the engine work 点火,启动8  be firing on all cylinders informalCRAZY to be thinking or doing something well, using all your mental abilities and energy 开足马力,全力以赴 When the team’s firing on all cylinders, they can beat the best in the league. 那支球队如果全力以赴,可以击败联赛中的最强者。n THESAURUSfire (also dismiss formal) to make someone leave their job, especially because they have done something wrongHe was fired for surfing the Internet during work time.Harris was caught stealing, and was dismissed from his job.sack/give somebody the sack British English informal to make someone leave their job, especially because they are not good at it, or because they have done something wrongBates was sacked from his job after the team failed to win any games.His boss gave him the sack for taking too much time off work.lay somebody off to make a lot of workers, especially workers in a large factory or organization, leave their jobs, because there is not enough work for them to do, or not enough money to pay their wages3000 car workers have been laid off at the factory in Cleveland.make somebody redundant British English to make someone leave their job because they are no longer needed5 staff will be made redundant at the end of this month.let somebody go to make someone leave their job, Used by employers to avoid saying directly that they are getting rid of peopleWe’ve had to let two members of staff go.discharge to make someone leave their job in the army, air force etcGrant had been discharged from the navy for threatening an officer.ease somebody out to make someone leave their job in a way that makes it seem as if they have chosen to leaveHe had been eased out of office in an attempt to prevent a political crisis.relieve somebody of their post/position formal to make someone leave their job because they have done something wrong – used especially to avoid saying this directly, and also when the job is a powerful oneThe colonel and two other senior officers were relieved of their posts. PHRASAL VERBS9 fire away phrasal verb spokenREADY used to tell someone that you are ready to answer questions 请说吧〔用于准备好回答问题时〕 ‘Do you mind if I ask you something, Woody?’ ‘Fire away.’ “问你一些事行吗,伍迪?”“说吧。”n Grammar Fire away is usually used in the imperative.10 fire back phrasal verb ANSWER/REPLYto quickly and angrily answer a question or remark 快速而气愤地回答[反驳] at President Bush has fired back at his critics. 布什总统反驳了他的批评者。11 fire something ↔ off phrasal verb a) SHOOTto shoot a bullet, bomb etc into the air 开枪[炮],射击 Chuck reloaded and fired off both barrels. 查克重新给枪上了膛,然后把两根枪筒中的子弹都打了出去。 Mexicans have a tradition of firing off guns to welcome in the new year. 墨西哥人有鸣枪迎新年的传统。b) SENDto quickly send an angry letter to someone 匆忙寄发〔表达愤怒的信件〕 I fired off a furious letter to the editor. 我气冲冲地给编辑发了一封信。12 fire somebody ↔ up phrasal verb to make someone become very excited, interested, or angry 激发;使发怒 It was alarming the way she got so fired up about small things. 她对一些小事情也发这么大的火,真是令人担忧。n Grammar Fire up is usually passive.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfire• You're fired!• He regained his balance, took aim, and fired.• Suddenly the car stopped, and the passenger got out and fired a Kalashnikov rifle at the police car.• The company fired a top executive for his role in improper financial dealings.• Not only can he be fired again, but probably he will be fired again.• As soldiers jumped out of the lorries, firing all around, helicopter gunships appeared overhead.• No shot is fired and no further shots may be fired that game - the gun is now useless.• Chapa was fired at the same time as Lozano.• As soon as we crossed the border, enemy troops started firing at us.• The two hapless groups of men now mostly hid, endured, and awaited their opportunity to fire back or escape.• The system has previously undergone six months of preliminary tests in the same Redwood City neighborhood, with officers firing blanks.• Several shots were fired, but no one was injured.• She was fired for serious professional misconduct.• When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.• He was just impossible to work with, and in the end they fired him.• During the night the accused fired his air gun out of the window of his first-floor flat.• The police fired into the air to make the crowd break up.• He's getting ready to fire me, she thought.• Kendrick fired three shots at the President's bullets/missiles/rockets etc• It had two lids which you closed once you were in, and instead of bullets, it fired rockets.• Police believe the weapon may have been a standard cartridge shotgun, specially adapted to fire bullets.• A gun is known to fire bullets at precisely three hundred and thirty meters per second.• There exist rifles which fire bullets faster than the speed of sound.• The guerrillas still fire rockets from well inside the security perimeter.• Gunshots crackled as police fired bullets into the air.• The device, which used a shotgun modified to fire bullets, was concealed in a wooden box hidden among fired• After three or four losses, there were rumors that Paul was going to get fired.• And, even after that policy fell, it would be another decade before flight attendants could become pregnant without getting fired.• Not only can he be fired again, but probably he will be fired again.• She knew too much to be fired and she refused to be bought out with money or offers of promotion.• Gas-operated and self-loading from a thirty-round magazine, they could be fired from the shoulder or the hip.• The idea was to enclose the pottery to be fired in a chamber.• Some directory-assistance operators and installation and maintenance employees will be fired, Sheth predicts.• If Anderson does not accept terms at four, the orders are he shall be fired upon.From Longman Business Dictionaryfirefire /faɪəfaɪr/ verb [transitive]HUMAN RESOURCES to dismiss someone from their jobSYN SACKLee Iacocca worked his way up to the presidency of Ford Motor Company, from which he was abruptly fired by Henry Ford II.The government aimed to sell off state assets and fire about 80,000 somebody for somethingThe airline fired him for being drunk.→ See Verb tableOrigin fire1 Old English fyrfire1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1fire2 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  heat light, and uncontrolled that destroy Business Corpus damage flames, things and




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