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单词 folksy
释义  folk·sy /ˈfəʊksi $ ˈfoʊ-/ adjective informal  1  especially American EnglishFRIENDLY friendly and informal 友好的,随和的,无拘束的 The town had a certain folksy charm. 这座镇子给人一种亲切感。2. TYPICALin a style that is typical of traditional countryside styles or customs 有民间特色的Examples from the Corpusfolksy• Cynics might have said we were too folksy.• The town of Colville has a folksy charm.• He was, Carver thought, in his most folksy mood.• a funny folksy radio show• People were catching on to his folksy, well-informed, no-nonsense approach.folk·sy adjectiveChineseSyllable  friendly informal and Corpus




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