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单词 finder
释义  find·er /ˈfaɪndə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1  FINDsomeone who finds something that was lost or stolen 〔失物或赃物的〕寻得者,发现者 The finder usually receives a reward. 找到失物的人一般会有酬金。2. finders keepers (losers weepers) spoken used to say that if someone finds something, they have the right to keep it 谁捡归谁(谁丢活该)Examples from the Corpusfinder• Herons are consummate finders and catchers of fish.• I was her finder, and she needed me.• During both days, tokens were buried and prizes were given to the finders.• The finder of the Stone shall have great riches and joy for the rest of their life.find·er nounChineseSyllable  something or that someone finds was Corpus stolen who lost




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