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单词 finale
释义 Word family  noun final semi-final finalist semi-finalist finale finality finalization adjective final verb finalize adverb finally  Related topics: Music, Performingfi·na·le /fɪˈnɑːli $ fɪˈnæli/ noun [countable]  APMAPthe last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc 〔演出的〕终场,最后一幕;〔音乐的〕终曲;〔事件等的〕结尾 the finale of a Broadway show 一出百老汇表演的终场 a game with a dramatic finale 结局颇具戏剧性的一场比赛grand finale (=very impressive end to a show) 〔演出的〕大结局 The fireworks were the grand finale of the ceremonies. 仪式在烟火齐放中隆重结束。Examples from the Corpusfinale• A civilized finale for those who have played out their dreams.• Read in studio A military operation involving four thousand servicemen has ended with a dramatic finale over Salisbury Plain.• For the grand finale there was a marching band and fireworks.• The predominant color of the two-part finale, Move, Members, Move is yellow.• One More Angel in Heaven and the rousing finale with its two-part harmony were musical highlights.• He suffered the injury in the regular-season finale at Houston when he landed awkwardly on his left foot.• The golfing correspondents of newspapers and magazines from all over the world had gathered for the finale.• In the big second-subject melody of the finale he is broader than most, but sustains his speed with moving results.• The finale of Beethoven's ninth symphony is really magnificent.• The finale feels merely unfortunate, not devastating.grand finale• Among the entertainments on offer are amusements, a band parade, stalls, sports and a grand finale fireworks display.• And mine came as a grand finale at the firm.• Dry ice was also pumped into the room as a grand finale.• Squibbing displays provide a grand finale.• It is usually reserved for the grand finale, after the singing and preaching have induced a receptive mood.• Maybe Carolyn says that this was merely the grand finale.• She wouldn't be required until the grand finale in the late afternoon, and for that she gave thanks.• The grand finale was accompanied by fireworks.• The grand finale is a celebration.Origin finale (1700-1800) Italian Latin finalis; → FINAL1fi·na·le nounChineseSyllable  of part of a Corpus piece last the




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