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单词 fed up
释义  ˌfed ˈup adjective  informalBORING annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change 厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的 She felt tired and a bit fed up. 她感到疲倦,还有点不耐烦。fed up with I’m really fed up with this constant rain. 连着下雨我都烦死了。 Anna got fed up with waiting. 安娜都等烦了。Examples from the Corpusgot fed up• Meanwhile serious Darwinian biologists got fed up.• My guy in Turin got fed up.• Finally we both got fed up and left the pith on half the peel.• In the end, she just got fed up and left.• A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work -- kept going down.• And so he got fed up with chicken.• Eventually I got fed up with waiting and went round to the timber yard.ˌfed ˈup adjectiveChineseSyllable  to bored, Corpus something or annoyed change wanting and




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