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单词 feast
释义  Related topics: Religion, Chronologyfeast1 /fiːst/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  MEALa large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion 盛会,宴会 → banquet a wedding feast 婚筵 The king promised to hold a great feast for all his people. 国王允诺为全体子民举行盛宴。2  MEALa very good large meal 大餐,盛筵 all the ingredients for a spaghetti feast 意粉大餐所需的全部原料midnight feast (=a meal eaten secretly at night by children) 午夜盛宴〔指小孩子在夜里偷偷吃东西〕3  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingan occasion when there are a lot of enjoyable things to see or do 特别的享受feast for Next week’s film festival should be a real feast for cinema-goers. 下星期的电影节应该能让影迷大饱眼福。 The play is also a visual feast. 这出戏也是一场视觉盛宴。4  RRTMCa day or period when there is a religious celebration 宗教节日 the feast day of St. Francis 圣方济各纪念日 → movable feastn COLLOCATIONSverbshave a feastWe decided to have a feast to celebrate the victory.give a feastHe gave a feast to which all the villagers were invited.hold a feast (=arrange for a feast to take place)The feast was held in the college dining hall.prepare a feastA catering company was hired to prepare the feast.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + feasta great feast (=a large and impressive feast)A great feast took place at the palace.a wedding/marriage feastThis dish is traditionally served at wedding feasts.Examples from the Corpusfeast• Canonized 1729; feast day, May 16.• a Thanksgiving Day feast• The Christmas celebrations in Fiji are rounded off by a huge feast on Christmas Day.• The last day of Kwanzaa is marked by a lavish feast.• On Tuesdays the restaurant offers a prime rib feast.• Chefs Kuni and Yasu, both chatty artists, carve edible canvasses that are spectacular feasts for the eyes.• Come down Daniel to the lions' den, Come down Daniel and join in the feast.• Their clothes were aromatic with the feast they had been preparing.• He said the date was chosen to coincide with the feast of St Teresa of Lisieux, patron saint of the missions.• Here was the connubial complement to Miss Havisham's wedding feast but without the cobwebs.• There were over sixty guests at the wedding feast.• The welcome feast had made them as sick as volcanoes.hold ... feast• Very soon now they will be ready and then I mean to hold a great feast for all my people.midnight feast• Let's have a midnight feast tonight, she said: a secret party.• Big Ronnie was up and about and having a midnight feast.• When it is time to eat, pretend it is a midnight feast and have the food in one of the bedrooms.feast for• The wonderful, detailed illustrations are a feast for the eyes.feast day• Canonized 1228; feast day, October 4.• Canonized 1767; feast day, February 8.• Canonized 1934; feast day, March 15.• Canonized 372; feast day, April 12.• Hence, the blessing of bread on her feast day.• On feast days such as Passover, thousands of offerings were made.• It was generally held on or about the feast day of the patron saint to whom the church was dedicated.feast2 ●○○ verb  1  feast on/upon something EATto eat a lot of a particular food with great enjoyment 尽情享用某物,饱餐某物 We feasted on chicken and roast potatoes. 我们饱餐了一顿鸡肉和烤土豆。2  feast your eyes on somebody/something LOOK ATto look at someone or something with great pleasure 尽情欣赏某人/某物;大饱眼福 If you like luxury cars, feast your eyes on these. 要是你喜欢豪华轿车的话,就好好欣赏这些吧。3. [intransitive]EATDRINK to eat and drink a lot to celebrate something 大吃大喝地庆祝→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfeast• Death was also a time for feasting.• At his trial some 15,000 revellers descended on Millau for music, feasting and anti-capitalist fun.• On the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims feasted for three days.• They welcome me warmly, and I feast on the nourishment for which I was born and which is mine par excellence.• Having feasted on this rich diet of generalisable material, however, a few hard questions about its reliability began to surface.• In the wooden fortress they were still feasting when the princess's army came in sight.• Our Master, joyful at the pleasing Sight, Invites us all to feast with him at Night.Origin feast1 (1100-1200) Old French feste “occasion of celebration”, from Latin festumfeast1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1feast2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  lot where Corpus a a meal people large a celebrate of




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