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单词 faultless
释义 Word family  noun fault adjective faultless faulty verb fault adverb faultlessly  fault·less /ˈfɔːltləs $ ˈfɒːlt-/ adjective  PERFECThaving no mistakes 无错误的;完美无缺的 SYN perfect a faultless performance 完美的表现 —faultlessly adverbExamples from the Corpusfaultless• But there's plenty of seat adjustment and the driving position is faultless.• I was more than pleased with my choice, and again, the presentation was faultless.• Each forgery had to be faultless, and each took time.• The evidence before our eyes is her faultless attention to detail in these exquisite flower decorations.• Over the years, we kept in touch by telephone and he was a faultless correspondent.• To succeed again they will have to improve their fitness and concentration, the only flaws in an otherwise faultless game-plan.• a faultless memory• In typical Honda fashion the gearbox is faultless, too.fault·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus mistakes having no




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