随便看 |
- wipe something down
- wipe something from your memory
- wipe something from your mind
- wipe something from your mind/memory
- wipe something off something
- wipe something off the face of the earth
- wipe something off the face of the earth/wipe something off the map
- wipe something off the map
- wipe something up
- wipe something ↔ away
- wipe something ↔ down
- wipe something ↔ up
- wipe sth away
- wipe sth down
- wipe sth from your memory
- wipe sth from your mind
- wipe sth off sth
- wipe sth off the face of the earth
- wipe sth off the map
- wipe sth up
- wipe the floor with
- wipe the floor with sb
- wipe the floor with somebody
- wipe the grin off face
- wipe the grin off sb face
- Pocket computer
- Poker game
- Anorectal
- Tuberculate
- Tubercled
- Trunnion
- Head wind
- Struma
- Operational efficiency
- Valedictory address
- 两相情愿的意思,两相情愿造句
- 两相情愿的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 两相情愿;一相情愿的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 两相磨荡,有皆损无俱全,特大小久近耳。利刃终日断割,必有缺折之时;砥石终日磨砻,亦有亏消之渐。故君子不欲敌人,以自全也。
- 两种文化 [英国]斯诺
- 两种贫穷的结果
- 两税法
- 两类作家
- 两精、两备、两勇、两智、两愚、两意,则多寡强弱在所必较。以精乘杂,以备乘疏,以勇乘怯,以智乘愚,以有余乘不足,以有意乘不意,以决乘二三;以合德乘离心,以锐乘疲,以慎乘怠,则多寡强弱非所论矣。故战之胜负无他,得其所乘与为人所乘,其得失不啻百也。实精也,而示之以杂;实备也,而示之以疏;实勇也,而示之以怯;实智也,而示之以愚;实有余也,而示之以不足;实有意也,而示之以不意;实有决也,而示之以二三;实合德
- 两翁归隐非难事,惟要传家好儿子。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 两而无偏》鉴赏
- 两耳不闻窗外事
- 两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书
- 两肋插刀的意思,两肋插刀造句
- 两虎相斗,其势不俱生
- Pneumoconiosis句子
- Epitope句子
- Subsiding句子
- Transformable句子
- Diastolic pressure句子
- Single-celled句子
- Afl-cio句子
- Turkmenistan句子
- George ii句子
- Petiole句子
- Left ventricle句子
- Root cap句子
- Heart valve句子
- William lloyd garrison句子
- Dicot句子