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单词 expressionism
释义  Related topics: Artsex·pres·sion·is·m /ɪkˈspreʃənɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  Aa style of painting, writing, or music that expresses feelings rather than describing objects and experiences 〔绘画、文学或音乐的〕表现主义 —expressionist noun [countable] —expressionist adjective [only before noun] the expressionist movement 表现主义运动Examples from the Corpusexpressionism• Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.• O'Hara's list of friends reads like a Who's Who of abstract expressionism.• She is remembered largely for her pioneering ` dancing modernism, a corollary to abstract expressionism.• In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.• Abstract expressionism is commonly identified as the pinnacle of modernism.• Impressionism begat post-impressionism, which begat cubism, which sired futurism, expressionism and all manner of errant abstractions.• Leftists, right-wingers, and Dadaists all attacked spiritual expressionism in 1919, focusing much of their anger on the Bauhaus.ex·pres·sion·is·m nounChineseSyllable  music or of painting, style that a Corpus writing,




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