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单词 explanation
释义 Word family  noun explaining explanation adjective unexplained explanatory explicable ≠ inexplicable verb explain adverb inexplicably  ex·pla·na·tion /ˌekspləˈneɪʃən/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]REASON the reasons you give for why something happened or why you did something 解释;理由explanation of/for Can you think of any explanation for this failure? 对这次失败你能想出什么解释吗?without explanation The concert was cancelled without explanation. 音乐会被无故取消。► see thesaurus at reason2  [countable]INSTRUCTIONS a statement or piece of writing intended to describe how something works or make something easier to understand 解释性说法;说明性文字provide/give an explanation The ability to give clear explanations is the most important quality of the ideal teacher. 清晰讲解的能力是优秀教师最重要的素质。explanation of I’ll try and give you a quick explanation of how the machine works. 我争取给你快速解释一下这机器的工作原理。 COLLOCATIONSverbshave an explanation 有解释Does the hospital have any explanation for why he died? 医院有没有对他的死因作出什么解释?give an explanation 给出解释The police gave no explanation for their actions. 警方未对自己的行动作出解释。provide/offer an explanation 作出解释This theory may provide an explanation for the origins of the universe. 这一理论或许可以解释宇宙的起源。ask for/demand an explanation 要求得到解释When I asked for an explanation, the people at the office said they didn't know. 我要求一个解释,可办公室里的人说他们并不知情。nFurious parents are demanding an explanation from the school.wait for an explanation (=expect an explanation) 要求得到解释nShe continued to stare at him in silence, waiting for an explanation.find/think of/come up with an explanation 找出/想出理由Scientists have been unable to find an explanation for this phenomenon. 科学家尚无法解释这一现象。owe (somebody) an explanation 应(向某人)作出解释I think you owe me some kind of explanation. 我认为你得向我解释一下。accept an explanation (=believe that it is true or correct) 接受理由The court accepted her explanation. 法庭接受了她的理由。nneed/require an explanationWe think the minister’s decision requires an explanation.adjectivesa possible explanation 可能的解释Can anyone think of a possible explanation for why this is happening? 为什么发生这样的情况,有谁能想出合理的解释吗?the most likely/probable explanation (=one that is probably true) 最有可能的解释The most likely explanation is that John missed the bus. 最有可能的原因是约翰没有赶上公共汽车。nThe most probable explanation is that the water was obvious explanation (=one that is easy to see or notice) 显而易见的理由There is no obvious explanation for his strange behaviour. 他的奇怪行为没有显而易见的理由。a reasonable/plausible explanation (=one that is easy to believe) 合理的解释Pilot error is the most plausible explanation for the crash. 飞行员失误是这次失事最合理的解释。a satisfactory/adequate explanation (=one that explains something completely) 令人满意的解释nA bank must offer an adequate explanation of all its charges.a convincing/credible explanation (=one that you can believe is true) 令人信服的理由nThe author fails to provide a convincing explanation for the main character’s motives.a logical/rational explanation (=one that is based on facts) 合乎逻辑/合理的解释nPhysics finally gave us a rational explanation for the atom’s strange behaviour.further explanation (=additional reasons) 补充说明nHe gave no further explanation for leaving, and she did not ask for any.nphrasesthere is no apparent explanation (=used when there is no explanation that you can think of)There was no apparent explanation for the attack.Examples from the Corpusexplanation• Unless Guy came up with an acceptable explanation, the entire Court would be gossiping about them.• Students can rewrite an explanation for a different audience, such as their younger brothers and sisters.• Does the as-if strategy of pragmatism allow a better explanation?• Our guide gave us a detailed explanation of the system of government.• Some of these critiques give mono-casual, but most give multi-dimensional, explanations of the links between law and society.• Coach Green wasn't willing to accept his explanation.• One can go to the thousands of human societies and find ingenious explanations for each incidence of masculinity and femininity.• He offered no explanation for his absence at the previous day's meeting.• She offered no explanation as to why she had left so suddenly.• The kind of explanation we come up with must not contradict the laws of physics.• I don't know why he tested positive for drugs. The only explanation I can think of is that the samples got mixed up.• There are several possible explanations for girls' superior high school performance.• Can you give us a quick explanation of how it works?• This can be ascribed to the absence of any craft-related explanation of the changes.• Each diagram is followed by a simple explanation.• What was their explanation for their decision?• Scientists have offered various explanations for these changes in climate.• The people who consider themselves to be pentecostals are uncomfortable with explanations of their movement that seem to explain it away.• This work should have been finished a week ago. What's your explanation?explanation of/for• For instance, while brain cells do die and are not replaced, their loss is not an explanation for senility.• It suggests therefore that there is another explanation for such behaviour.• He offered another explanation for why Sen.• The principles of learning theory provide a prima-facie explanation of the linguistic changes which occur during childhood.• At the same time, it is not alone in the field: there are alternative mystical explanations of misfortune.• In my view, the above-quoted explanations for the poor showing, although valid, are too superficial.• Either way, there has to be some rational explanation of Clinton's conduct.• This can be ascribed to the absence of any craft-related explanation of the changes.provide/give an explanation• This will involve some such task as giving an explanation of difficulties, requesting clarification, writing an apology, etc.• Recent genetic studies have provided an explanation for this variation.• Associative learning provides explanations for basic forms of learning.• However, they may provide an explanation of the observed value of one very important quantity: the so-called cosmological constant.• The level at which theism provides an explanation is the very general level of metaphysics.• And they had to provide an explanation if they took any longer than five minutes.• This theory enables one to give an explanation for the existence of the universe, in terms of a goal or purpose.• I want to give an explanation of my own experience described there.ex·pla·na·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  give for Corpus you happened reasons the why something or




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