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单词 expire
释义  Related topics: Deathex·pire /ɪkˈspaɪə $ -ˈspaɪr/ ●●○ verb [intransitive]  1  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDif an official document expires, it can no longer be legally used 〔正式文件〕到期,过期,失效 SYN run out My passport expires next week. 我的护照下周就到期了。 players whose contracts expire this summer 合约于今年夏天到期的运动员expire in/on/at My driving licence expires in March. 我的驾照3月到期。 The lease on the flat expired on June 14th. 公寓的租约6月14日到期。► see thesaurus at end2  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDif a period of time when someone has a particular position of authority expires, it ends 〔任期〕届满 The chairman’s term of office has already expired. 主席任期已满。3  literaryMXDIE if someone expires, they die 死亡 Ophelia expires in Act IV of Hamlet. 奥菲莉娅在《哈姆雷特》第四幕中死去。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexpire• Between 1775 and 1800, when their patent expired, 321 steam-engines were built.• Unless the Commission extends this period, parties may conclude a merger after the three week period has expired.• She retired six months before her contract expired.• The chairman's term of office expires at the end of March.• The government is now operating under a temporary measure, or continuing resolution, that expires at the end of next week.• I'm afraid we can't accept this credit card -- it expired last week.• The offer expires on Feb. 1.• My driver's license expires on October 12.• In the natural scheme of things, Glover should have expired on the day Johnson was born.• Your passport will expire ten years from the issue date.expire in/on/at• For most tribes, that expired in late 1995.• Sartzetakis's term was due to expire on March 30.• The bills would replace a temporary spending bill that expires at midnight Friday.• A court order freezing proceedings will expire on November the ninth.• The exemption for the units at Fort William and Wick, was due to expire in October 1994.• Outside you could see invertebrate waves expiring on Rocky Point.• A restriction that he refrain from counseling women will expire at the end of this month.• His contract expires at the end of this season, and there should be more than a few teams interested.From Longman Business Dictionaryexpireex‧pire /ɪkˈspaɪə-ˈspaɪr/ verb [intransitive]1LAWif an official document such as a contract, agreement, or licence expires, the period of time during which it can be used endsIf your Program disk proves defective after the warranty expires, you will end up paying a fee of £200 to replace it.The existing lease expires at the end of this year.2if a period of time expires, it comes to an endThe Panel will not take any action until the appeal period of two business days has expired.If you cannot complete the work on time, then you should contact the client before the deadline expires.3FINANCE if an OPTION (=the right to buy a particular amount of shares, currency etc in the future) expires, it can no longer be EXERCISED (=it is no longer possible to buy the shares, currency etc that it relates to)When the October options expire, the clearing house for the market will create a new series of options for July expiry.→ See Verb tableOrigin expire (1300-1400) French expirer, from Latin exspirare, from spirare “to breathe”ex·pire verbChineseSyllable  it expires, longer document Corpus an can Business no official if




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