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单词 expert
释义 Word family  noun expert expertise adjective expert ≠ inexpert adverb expertly ≠ inexpertly  ex·pert1 /ˈekspɜːt $ -ɜːrt/ ●●● S3 W2 AWL noun [countable]  GOOD ATKNOW somethingsomeone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject, gained as a result of training or experience 专家,行家,能手expert on He’s a world expert on marine mammals. 他是研究海洋哺乳动物的世界权威。expert in an expert in statistics 统计学专家medical/technical/financial etc expert Tests should be administered by a medical expert. 试验应该由一位医学专家来进行。n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with expert• Someone is an expert on a subject or issue: He’s an expert on the Cold War. ✗Don’t say: He’s an expert of the Cold War.• Someone is an expert in a field of study or an activity: She’s an expert in family law. ✗Don’t say: She’s an expert of family law.n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa leading expert (=one of the best and most respected)He is one of the country’s leading experts on Islam.a world/international expert (=one who is known in many different countries)She is a world expert on tropical independent expert (=someone who is not controlled by, or does not receive money from, an organization or the government)The authorities called in an independent expert to advise them.a medical/legal/financial etc expert (=someone who has special skills related to a particular job or subject)Medical experts agree that screening can prevent deaths from breast cancer.a so-called expert (=someone who says they are an expert, but who you do not respect very much)There are many so-called experts willing to tell you how to bring up your children. verbsexperts say somethingExperts are saying that the economy is likely to improve towards the end of this year.experts believe somethingLegal experts believe that the evidence will not be accepted in court.experts advise/recommend somethingMost financial experts recommend that you don’t borrow money on credit to/consult an expert (=ask an expert for information or advice)If cracks appear in your house, you should consult an expert to find out what is causing the problem.get/obtain/seek advice from an expert (=ask an expert for information or advice)Don’t make big financial decisions without first seeking advice from an expert.phrasesa team/panel of expertsYou can get advice from our panel of gardening experts. THESAURUSexpert someone who has a lot of knowledge about something or skill at doing something 专家,行家,能手a computer expert 计算机专家an expert on beetles 研究甲虫的专家It’s best to ask an expert. 最好去问问专家。specialist an expert who has studied a particular medical or technical subject for a long time and knows much more about it than other people 专科医生;〔某技术领域的〕专家She is a specialist in corporate finance. 她是企业融资方面的专家。My doctor sent me to see a heart specialist. 我的医生叫我去看心脏专科医生。authority an expert whose knowledge and opinions are greatly respected 权威人士,泰斗The professor is one of the world’s leading authorities on African art. 这位教授是研究非洲艺术的世界权威。connoisseur /ˌkɒnəˈsɜː $ ˌkɑːnəˈsɜːr/ an expert on food, art, literature, or design, who has had a lot of experience and knows when something is of very good quality 〔美食、艺术、文学、设计等的〕鉴赏家,鉴定家He was a connoisseur of fine wines. 他是美酒品鉴家。nHis works are popular among connoisseurs.buff /bʌf/ informal someone who is very interested in a subject and knows a lot about it 爱好者;行家里手a wine buff 对葡萄酒很在行的人Jazz buffs will be familiar with the band’s first album. 爵士乐迷会很熟悉该乐队的首张专辑。virtuoso /ˌvɜːtʃuˈəʊsəʊ $ ˌvɜːrtʃuˈoʊsoʊ/ an expert player or performer 演奏家;大师The piece was played by violin virtuoso Pavel Sporcl. 这首乐曲是由小提琴大师帕维尔 · 施博尔策演奏的。a virtuoso pianist 钢琴演奏大师Examples from the Corpusexpert• I am an expert among experts.• He'd had more than enough practice to become an expert.• These days everyone is becoming an expert in the nutritional value of different foods and the importance of vitamins and trace elements.• The firm had to close while an expert sorted out the mess, the Old Bailey heard.• an expert in French history• A draft of the document was reviewed by experts on hospital infection control.• Legal experts are saying that the man's conviction was unlawful.• The team of experts includes psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.• What one expert sees as the organisational goals are different from the views of another expert.• D, a leading drug prevention expert who worked on the report.• Send the expert all the available on• For the expert in the field, trivial names are short, convenient and an efficient means of communication.• For users not expert in statistics, a great deal of the output will be meaningless or open to misunderstanding.• He did well there, putting his marksmanship to better use by becoming expert in tiger shooting.• It includes doctors Nick Walters, an exercise physiologist, and Tim Leigh, an expert in the clinical side of nutrition.• Their exuberant acceptance of your ideas indicated that you have become an expert in all aspects of their demanding business.• She is an expert on how a low-calorie diet and exercise can beat cellulite and other weight problems.• Howard is becoming something of an expert on the theory of social work, in fact.• He's an expert on ancient Egyptian art.expert2 ●●● W3 AWL adjective  1  GOOD ATKNOW somethinghaving a special skill or special knowledge of a subject 内行的 OPP inexpertexpert on/in/at The police are expert at handling situations like this in strict confidence. 警察处理这类事情很在行,可以绝对保密。 He cast his expert eye on the gardener’s work. 他用内行的眼光看了看园丁干的活。► see thesaurus at skilful2  relating to or coming from an expert (来自)专家的 Ministers depend on civil servants for expert advice. 部长们依靠公务员获取专家建议。 —expertly adverb —expertness noun [uncountable]n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: relating to or coming from an expertnounsexpert adviceGet some expert advice before investing in a property. expert opinion (=the opinions of people who know a lot about something)Expert opinion on the matter is deeply evidence/testimonyTwo doctors were called to give expert testimony at the knowledgeHe has expert knowledge of the plants and animals in this eye (=the eyes of someone who knows a lot about something)To the expert eye, this is a beautiful example of early Roman pottery.Examples from the Corpusexpert• The nursery slope can be terrifying to the person on skis for the first time, and yet boring to the expert.• Your Counsel, with his expert advice, has not been able to run a fine-toothed comb over them.• expert advice• Tennis coaches will be available to provide expert advice.• Politicians are usually expert at turning a crisis to their advantage.• Students learn to cook French food with the help of expert chefs.• Critical reading of galley proofs by outside expert consultants.• All the applications of expert determination have evolved through commercial practice.• My grandmother was an expert dressmaker.• Buchanan, armed with little more than expert oratory, can probably be sidelined by the Republicans.• Embedded Neural Networks A neural network embedded in an expert system has many advantages.• The person using an expert system to advise a client will be potentially liable under the laws of contract and negligence.• an expert watchmakerexpert on/in/at• By looking for its consequences rather than trying to become expert in diagnosis.• Bondi was then a professor of mathematics at Kings College, London, and an expert on general relativity.• An expert in Norman folklore proceeds to argue that the whole thing is too complicated.• Barringer was an expert in ores and mining techniques.• Today Al is the resident school expert on the issue.• Howard is becoming something of an expert on the theory of social work, in fact.• Achath just may be the best-known hand-shadow expert in the advice• Don't sign any agreements before you've taken expert advice.• It is not, however, a practice to be recommended to the inexperience unless under expert advice.• Rolle, however, did not have the benefit of such expert advice.• Buffalo needed expert advice and specific strategies to shape the district's future, he said.• Your Counsel, with his expert advice, has not been able to run a fine-toothed comb over them.• Again expert advice is required in these circumstances.• If in doubt, take expert advice on your rights and liabilities.• Now, with the help of his expert advice, you too can achieve the professional touch.From Longman Business Dictionaryexpertex‧pert1 /ˈekspɜːt-ɜːrt/ noun [countable] someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of an area of work or study, usually as the result of many years experienceOne of the functions of the marketing expert in commerce is to develop a clear idea of the target in/onYou don’t have to be an expert in accountancy to use this software package.expertex‧pert2 adjective expert advice/evidence/guidance etc advice etc given by an expertYou should seek expert advice on this kind of investment.Origin expert1 (1800-1900) French Old French; → EXPERT2 expert2 (1300-1400) Old French Latin expertus, past participle of experiri; → EXPERIENCE1ex·pert1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1expert2 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  has knowledge of skill or special who a someone Business special Corpus a




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