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单词 exit
释义  Related topics: Building, Roadsex·it1 /ˈeɡzɪt, ˈeksɪt/ ●●● S3 W3 noun [countable]  1  TBa door or space through which you can leave a public room, building etc 出口;通道 We made for the nearest exit. 我们走向最近的出口。 an exit door 出口门 Two men were blocking her exit. 两个男人挡住了她出去的路。emergency/fire exit (=a special door used only when there is a fire etc) 太平门;紧急出口;消防门 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方2  [usually singular]LEAVE A PLACE when you leave a room or building 离开〔房间或建筑物〕 They made a quick exit when they saw the police approaching. 他们看见警察来了便迅速离去。3  TTRa place where vehicles can leave a road such as a motorway, and join another road 〔公路的〕出口 Take the next exit for Lynchburg. 从下一个出口驶出到林奇堡。4  [usually singular]TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED when someone stops being involved in a competition or business, especially because they have not been successful 退出〔尤指因未成功而停止参与竞争或事务〕 SYN departure France’s early exit from the World Cup 法国队在世界杯上的早早出局n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a door or space through which you can leave a public room, building etcADJECTIVES/NOUN + exit a fire/emergency exit (=a special door, used if there is an emergency or a fire)Fire crews discovered that the club’s fire exit door had been locked.the front/rear/side exitWhen the lights dimmed, she slipped out by the rear exit.the nearest exitPlease leave the building in an orderly fashion, using the nearest exit.verbshead for/make for the exit (=go to the exit)Disappointed fans began heading for the exits.use an exitIn the event of a fire, please use the emergency exit nearest to you.exit + NOUNan exit doorExit doors shouldn’t be blocked at any exit route (=a way out of a building, plane etc, used in an emergency or a fire)Staff must become familiar with the building’s exit exit sign (=one showing where an exit is)There was a red glowing exit sign over the door.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: when you leave a room or buildingverbsmake your exit (=to leave)And then, kissing them both goodbye, he made his exit.make a quick/hurried etc exitI chatted to a few people, then made a quick exit.adjectivesa quick/fast exit (=done more quickly than usual)I made a quick exit before the speeches began.a hurried/swift exit (=very quick)The family made a hurried exit, leaving many of their belongings behind.a dignified exit (=when someone leaves in a way that makes people respect them)Marco did his best to make a dignified exit, but with the amount he’d drunk, it proved undignified exit (=when someone leaves in a way that is embarrassing or makes them look silly)She made a rather undignified exit, tripping down the step.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a place where vehicles can leave a road such as a motorway, and join another roadverbstake an exit/turn off at an exitTake the next exit, junction 15.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + exit the northbound/southbound etc exitThe northbound exit to the A139 will be closed until 6 a.m. on Monday.a motorway exit British English, a highway/freeway exit American English:He signalled a right as he came to his freeway exit.exit + NOUNan exit sign (=one showing the names of places or roads near an exit)Stay on the same road until you see an exit sign for Rhode Island.Examples from the Corpusexit• He threw his wife Sheila out of an emergency exit before leaping into the darkness after her seconds before the explosion.• an emergency exit• He was no hero: his final exit was ignominious.• We took the Neche-Pembina exit into a truck stop.• Take the 14th Street exit and then turn right.• He was whisked away as his audience bolted for the exits.• I sneaked into the auditorium through the exit at the north corridor and nestled in about half way down the aisle.• Then, holding her own breath and moving stealthily on tiptoe, she began to ease her way towards the exit.• There are two exits at the back of the plane.emergency/fire exit• This is the main cabin door which also serves as an emergency exit.• He threw his wife Sheila out of an emergency exit before leaping into the darkness after her seconds before the explosion.• If the delay is too long, people will not walk through smoke to an emergency exit.• They kicked open the door and tossed us out into the snow through the back fire exit.• The cement corridor beyond was lit only by the emergency exit sign.• Only four of the 77 passengers were slightly injured while escaping from the emergency exits but the aircraft was badly damaged.• As I passed the ladies I noticed that the beer crates stashed in front of the Fire Exit had been moved aside.• But I came out of the stand through the fire exit and I can't get back in.made ... exit• Unafraid, he plucked the heart and made his exit.• Instead, he picked up the questionnaire and made an abrupt exit with-out saying a word.• Stella was in the prompt corner wielding her torch when O'Hara made his second exit.• Ian Wright also had food for thought as he made a hasty exit from Arsenal's demoralised dressing room.• When it became clear that he had nothing to tell me, I made my exit in the face of dismissive politeness.• No special tonal provision is made for the exit from scenes such as these.• The town gates were set in the walls where these principal thoroughfares made their exit.Related topics: Computers, Theatreexit2 ●○○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  LEAVE A PLACE formal to leave a place 离去;离开〔某处〕exit from/through I exited through a side window. 我从侧面的一扇窗户钻了出去。 He exited the courtroom in a fury. 他怒气冲冲地离开了审判室。2  TDto stop using a computer program 退出〔计算机程序〕 Press F3 to exit. 按F3键退出。3  APTused in the instructions of a play to tell an actor to leave the stage 〔剧本里的舞台指示,一个演员〕退场,下场 Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius. 哈姆雷特扛着波洛尼厄斯的尸体退场。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexit• But it seems Stephanopoulos, exiting quickly to Punditland, left some items behind.• Take I-10 east, exiting south on State Route 90.• That is, in spite of revising their reservation wages upwards, they are exiting faster in the second period than in the first period.• William exits fairly despondent and heads for the door.• But to change the text, you had to exit that mode, using a specific command, and enter edit mode.• Trying to exit the airfield after the show ended resulted in large queues of vehicles all trying to get out of one gate.• Press F7 N Y to exit WordPerfect.exit from/through• The band exited through a door behind the stage.• The only fairly quick exit from here is feet first.• The fireball is visible for about half a minute before the object exits from the atmosphere with its original speed virtually undiminished.• Whenever her father returned unexpectedly, I would make a frantic, unscheduled exit through the back door and over the wall.• He had said so before making his exit from the Benson & Hedges, where he shot 82-82.• On exit from the form, the field number will be used to select the next field.• The belay will probably be a few feet lower than it was and nearer to the exit from the groove.• These probabilities are noted alongside the exit from the lozenge.• Tallis glanced towards the exit from the mortuary house, then frowned and looked around.nEXIT /ˈeɡzət, ˈeksət/  na British organization which aims to change the law against helping seriously ill people to die if they wish to. The organization gives advice to such people and their families. The Hemlock Society is a similar organization in the US. → euthanasiaFrom Longman Business Dictionaryexitex‧it /ˈegzɪt, ˈeksɪt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1to leave a market, a type of business, or an agreementThe bank has made great efforts to exit the long-term lending business.exit fromThe company plans to exit from the real estate business and concentrate on insurance. —exit noun [singular]The deal marks their exit from the auto insurance market.2COMPUTINGto stop using a computer programPress F3 to exit.→ See Verb tableOrigin exit1 (1500-1600) Latin exitus, from the past participle of exire “to go out”ex·it1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →n COLLOCATIONS3exit2 verbEXITLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  space through which Business Corpus you a or door can




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