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单词 exhibitionist
释义  ex·hi·bi·tion·ist /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃənɪst/ noun [countable]  1. someone who likes to make other people notice them – often used to show disapproval 好表现者〔常含贬义〕2. medical someone who has a medical condition that makes them want to show their sexual organs in public places 有露阴癖者;有裸露癖者 —exhibitionist adjectiveExamples from the Corpusexhibitionist• I've always liked singing for an audience -- I guess I'm just an exhibitionist.• Most of the dresses in the show are unwearable, unless you're an exhibitionist.ex·hi·bi·tion·ist nounChineseSyllable  notice people make Corpus someone likes who other to




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