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单词 exclude
释义 Word family  noun exclusion ≠ inclusion verb exclude ≠ include  ex·clude /ɪkˈskluːd/ ●●○ W3 AWL verb [transitive]  1  INCLUDEto deliberately not include something 〔故意〕不包括;把…排除在外 OPP include a special diet that excludes dairy products 不包含奶制品的特别食谱 The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly obtained. 法官裁决不接纳以不正当手段获取的证据。exclude something from something Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report. 这篇报道特意不采用部分数据。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say leave something or someone out rather than exclude something or someone: 在日常英语中,人们一般说leave something/someone out,而不说exclude something/someoneSome information was left out of the report. 有些消息报道中并没有提到。We didn’t mean to leave you out. 我们并非故意把你遗漏的。2  INCLUDEto not allow someone to take part in something or not allow them to enter a place, especially in a way that seems wrong or unfair 〔尤指以看起来错误或不公正的方式〕不准…参与;不准…进入;排斥〔某人〕 OPP include a mainstream exhibition that excluded women artists 排斥女艺术家的主流展览exclude somebody from (doing) something The press had been deliberately excluded from the event. 这一活动有意不让记者参与。 Sarah heard the other girls talking and laughing and felt excluded. 萨拉听见其他女孩又说又笑,觉得自己受到了排斥。3. British English to officially make a child leave their school because of their bad behaviour 开除〔举止不端的学童〕4  POSSIBLEto decide that something is not a possibility 认为…不可能;排除…的可能性 SYN rule out Social workers have excluded sexual abuse as a reason for the child’s disappearance. 对于这个孩子的失踪原因,社会福利工作者排除了遭受性虐待的可能性。 At this stage we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of staff cuts. 到了这个阶段,我们不能完全排除裁员的可能性。n THESAURUSexclude formal to deliberately not include someone or something, especially in a way that seems wrong or unfairThe new law protects most workers, but excludes those on part-time contracts.omit formal to not include something, especially a piece of information, either deliberately or because you forgetSara’s name had been omitted from the list of employees.leave out to not include someone or something, either deliberately or accidentally. Leave out is more common in everyday English than exclude or omitFans were shocked that Giggs had been left out of the team.You must have left out one of the numbers. miss out British to not include someone or something that should be included, often by mistakeYou missed out several important facts.They’ve missed out the last letter of his name.drop to decide not to include someone or something – used especially about not including someone in a teamHe was dropped from the team because of injury.The company decided to drop the word ‘healthy’ from its exempt(ed) from something formal used when saying that a rule, law, agreement etc does not affect someone or somethingPeople with bad eyesight were exempt from military service.High technology equipment would be exempted from any trade agreement.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexclude• Patients with previous cholecystitis diagnosed by scintigraphic examination of the gall bladder were excluded.• These features excluded any intention of the parties to allow claims from the individual inhabitants.• Stack belongs to a country club that once excluded blacks and Jews from membership.• The governing body decided to exclude Declan for two weeks.• The report concluded that far more boys were excluded each year than girls.• Mr X and the spouse of Mr X may be excluded from all benefit.• Among those children, thus excluded from our final reckonings, was the boy I have called Edward.• Kids who are excluded from school often end up getting into trouble with the police.• She felt they were deliberately excluding her from their plans.• Joe felt sure the others were speaking Russian simply to exclude him.• Clauses which seek to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation are regulated by s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967.• The Sixth Directive, art 11A.3, states that the taxable amount excludes price discounts.• The new law protects most workers, but excludes those on part-time contracts.• This effectively excludes vast swathes of the planet's population.• The Catholic church continues to exclude women from the priesthood.exclude something from something• Several of the incidents were excluded from the report.exclude somebody from (doing) something• Housing departments often exclude homeowners from being eligible for rehousing.• On the other hand, economics could not be excluded entirely from Council sessions.• Potter was excluded from military service due to his poor eyesight.• There was never any intention on the part of the landlords to exclude the subtenant from possession.• It is not the intention of the Underwriters to exclude such contracts from Schemes cover.• More importantly, this interaction is now playing a crucial part in excluding the underclass from the mainstream of society.• The caliphs slid back toward the jahiliyya, locking women up and excluding them from the mosques.• I neither can, nor wish to, exclude the media from these proceedings.• No one, at any level in a structure from chief executive downwards, can exclude himself from this commitment.exclude the possibility• We can not exclude the possibility, however, of abnormal metabolism of platelet activating factor in four of them.• The guidelines exclude the possibility of assessment of the bargain under the contract as described above.• For example although duration is commonly measured for tantrums, this does not exclude the possibility of measures of frequency.• The focus on a complex process of negotiations appears to exclude the possibility of structural change.• However the courts are in general reluctant to exclude the possibility of such legal representation intoto within a particular area.• Neither of these alternatives excludes the possibility that a change in associability might also play a part on generating latent inhibition.From Longman Business Dictionaryexcludeex‧clude /ɪkˈskluːd/ verb [transitive]1to deliberately not include somethingThe judge has decided to exclude her evidence.exclude somebody/something from somethingOne study did not use a double-blind design and was therefore excluded from the analysis.2to not allow someone to take part in something or not allow them to enter a placeexclude somebody from somethingHe plans to challenge the commission’s decision to exclude him from the exchange.→ See Verb tableOrigin exclude (1300-1400) Latin excludere, from claudere “to close”ex·clude verb →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  not include deliberately to Corpus something Business




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