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单词 examine
释义 Word family  noun exam examination cross-examination examiner verb examine cross-examine  Related topics: Hospital, Education, Lawldoce_717_zex·am·ine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ ●●● S3 W2 verb [transitive]  1  to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it 〔仔细地〕检查,审查 A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreck. 一组潜水员被送到水下检查沉船。 Hegel’s philosophy will be examined in detail in Chapter 4. 黑格尔的哲学将在第4章作详细探讨。examine how/whether/what etc In the course, we will examine how and why Spain became a democracy in 1931. 本课程将探讨西班牙于1931年成为民主国家的方式和原因。examine something for something The police will have to examine the weapon for fingerprints. 警察得检查凶器,看有没有指纹。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say have or take a look at something or someone rather than examine something or someone:I had a look at the car but I couldn’t see anything wrong with it.► see thesaurus at check →4  See picture of 见图 examine2. MHEXAMINEif a doctor examines you, they look at your body to check that you are healthy 检查〔身体〕3  formalSEEXAM/TEST to ask someone questions to test their knowledge of a subject 考核,测验〔某人〕 SYN testexamine somebody in/on something You will be examined on American history. 你要参加美国历史的考试。4. lawSCT to officially ask someone questions in a court of law 〔在法庭上〕询问 → cross-examine THESAURUSexamine to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it 〔仔细地〕检查,审查Experts who examined the painting believe it is genuine. 仔细看过这幅画的专家认为它是真迹。nHer new book examines the causes of social discontent.A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreckage. 一组潜水员被送到水下检查沉船。The police will examine the weapon for fingerprints. 警察得检查凶器,看有没有指纹。have a look at/take a look at especially spoken to quickly examine something to find out what is wrong with it or to find out more about it. Have a look at is less formal than examine, and is the usual phrase to use in everyday English 看一看〔have a look at没有examine正式,常用于日常英语〕I’ll have a look at your car if you like. 如果你愿意,我来看一下你的车。inspect to examine something carefully to make sure that it is correct, safe, or working properly, especially when it is your job to do this 〔尤指出于工作需要而〕仔细检查The building is regularly inspected by a fire-safety officer. 这幢大楼由消防安全官定期检查。nSome insurance people have already been here to inspect the damage caused by the storm.nRussian and American teams will have the right to inspect each other’s missile sites.analyze (also analyse British English) to examine something carefully, especially detailed information about something, so that you can understand it 分析,剖析Researchers analyzed the results of the survey. 研究人员分析了调查结果。We’re still analysing all the data. 我们还在对所有数据进行分析。nOne of the problems in analyzing the situation is that we do not have all the information to spend a lot of time examining something very carefully, for example a problem or situation 〔花大量时间〕仔细研究〔问题、情况等〕nI won’t comment till I’ve had time to study the proposals.A team of scientists has been studying the effects of global warming on Antarctica. 一个科学家小组一直在研究全球变暖对南极洲的影响。review to examine something such as a situation or process to see if any changes are necessary 审查,检讨〔以确定是否需要进行必要的修改〕The bank will review its security procedures after last week’s attack. 上周的袭击案发生后,该银行将检讨其保安措施。scrutinize (also scrutinise British English) to examine something very carefully to find out if there is anything wrong with it 仔细检查,认真查看,详审Congress is currently scrutinizing the deal. 国会目前正在仔细审查该协议。5 FREQUENCY 使用频率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusexamine• I'm going to the hospital tomorrow to have my knee examined again.• The body was thoroughly examined by physicians, who declared that no chemicals had been used to preserve it.• Other reasons for depopulation were also examined during this period.• The doctor examined her, but didn't find anything wrong.• He looked, he thought as he examined himself in the mirror, more than usually hideous.• To save time, students will be examined in groups of three.• Before buying an antique, examine it closely to avoid buying a fake.• Students will be examined on all aspects of Russian literature and history.• Her new book examines the causes of social discontent.• A team of investigators is examining the crash site.• This is seen by examining the function W1 which, according to the arguments given above, predicts the presence of oscillations.• When the police examined the gun, they found Wright's fingerprints on it.• Experts who examined the painting believe it is genuine.• The police will examine the weapon for fingerprints.• The video shows women how to examine their breasts for cancer.• The study will also evaluate the assessment procedures in use and examine their impact on children and on the school more generally.• As this is the case, part of the research will examine various experimental techniques used previously in studies on word recognition.• Thursday, Vacco announced a new statewide commission to examine ways of improving the quality of care for the dying.• Several hotels have examined ways to provide better access to wheelchair users.• Current work in neural networks is examining ways to reduce the size of the training set required.examine how/whether/what etc• A starting point is to examine what a liberal-democracy is.• Among other things, we shall have to examine how far the hopes and claims of librarians match up to present realities.• That sounds like motherhood and apple pie until we examine what full employment really means.• In order to understand fully the effect of resource issues on the public sector we need to examine what happens in practice.• We want to examine whether our theory can contribute to the explanation of this fact.• But there are good reasons for examining how self-realisation and moral careers are developed within civil society.• This chapter examines how the courts have applied these principles in cases involving teachers.• Then we shall examine how these laws were utilized to deal with large-scale public protest during the 1980s.Origin examine (1300-1400) French examiner, from Latin examinare, from examen “weighing out”ex·am·ine verb →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1 →5 FREQUENCY1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  look thoroughly because carefully at want and to something Corpus you




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