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单词 evangelical
释义  Related topics: Christianitye·van·gel·i·cal /ˌiːvænˈdʒelɪkəl◂/ adjective  1  RRCevangelical Christians believe that they should persuade as many people as possible to become Christians 福音传道者的,基督教福音派的 the evangelical church 基督教福音派教会 evangelical missionaries 基督教福音派传教士2  ENTHUSIASTICvery eager to persuade people to accept your ideas and beliefs 狂热宣传自己的主张和信仰的 He spoke with evangelical fervour. 他发表演说时强烈鼓吹自己的观念。Examples from the Corpusevangelical• Kemp is very evangelical about eating healthy food.• The evangelical community has expressed concerns regarding several of the clauses.• As an aristocrat Hartington was not untypical in regarding them as evangelical fanatics who needed restraining.• Smart assumes a prophetic as well as an evangelical mission.• They were the rational, atheistic two, lost to the evangelical religion of their father.• Despite its impressive growth it represents only 5 percent of the total population and is not growing as fast as evangelical sects.• Then there is sectarian competition - over what is evangelical, too evangelical, not evangelical enough.• In numerous races, evangelical voters were of decisive influence in deciding the outcome.e·van·gel·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  Christians many evangelical believe people as that Corpus they persuade should




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