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单词 epoch
释义  Related topics: History, Geologye·poch /ˈiːpɒk $ ˈepək/ noun [countable]  SHa period of history 时代,纪元 SYN era the Victorian epoch 维多利亚时代 The king’s death marked the end of an epoch. 这位国王的去世标志着一个时代的结束。 the beginning of a new epoch 新纪元的开始► see thesaurus at periodExamples from the Corpusepoch• People stand out likewise, in so far as their work marks an epoch or sums up an historical episode.• Already that seemed a distant epoch.• Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society.• I have, in my mind, retold my life, epoch by epoch.• The Russian Revolution marked the beginning of a new epoch in history.• Their own tingling flesh convinced them that a whole new epoch in history was beginning and they were already living in it.• Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch.• They are slaves to the prejudices of the epoch in which they were written.• This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency, into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated.Origin epoch (1600-1700) Medieval Latin epocha, from Greek epoche “ending, fixed point”, from epechein “to stop for a time, hold back”e·poch nounChineseSyllable  period of a history Corpus




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