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单词 enjoy
释义 Word family  noun enjoyment adjective enjoyable verb enjoy adverb enjoyably  en·joy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingto get pleasure from something 喜欢;享受…的乐趣 Sandra enjoys her job in the city. 桑德拉很喜欢她在城里的这份工作。 I enjoyed every minute of it. 我每一分钟都很享受。enjoy doing something Young children enjoy helping around the house. 小孩子喜欢在家里帮着做点事。enjoy yourself (=be happy in a particular situation) 过得愉快;玩得痛快 Julia was just starting to enjoy herself. 朱莉娅刚开始有了兴头。5 ► Enjoy always has an object and is never followed by a preposition or an infinitive with ‘to’: Did you enjoy it (NOT Did you enjoy)? | I enjoyed my trip (NOT I enjoyed to/with my trip). | He enjoys playing football (NOT He enjoys play football). enjoy 必定带有宾语,后面绝对不接介词或带to的不定式: Did you enjoy it (不说 Did you enjoy)? 你玩得开心吗? | I enjoyed my trip ( 不说 I enjoyed to/with my trip). 这次旅行我很开心。 | He enjoys playing football ( 不说 He enjoys play football). 他喜欢踢足球。2  HAVE formal to have a particular ability or advantage 拥有;享有 These workers enjoy a high level of job security. 这些工人的工作非常稳定。n3. → enjoy!n GRAMMAR: Patterns with enjoy• Enjoy is usually transitive. You enjoy something: I enjoyed the game.Did you enjoy it? ✗Don’t say: I enjoyed. | Did you enjoy?• You enjoy doing something: I enjoyed watching the game on TV.• Enjoy is never followed by an infinitive. ✗Don’t say: I enjoyed to watch the game on TV.• In informal English, you sometimes use Enjoy! on its own, when saying that you hope someone enjoys something: Here’s your pizza. Enjoy!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusenjoy• Some of the workers enjoy a relatively high degree of job security.• Many parents are only too eager to hand their child over to a babysitter and enjoy a well-earned night out.• It was a wonderful vacation - we enjoyed every minute of it.• When first introduced on the market, these products enjoyed great success.• Greg says he enjoys his new job.• Successfully managing your business relationships, while making money doing what you enjoy, is one of the great pleasures of life.• Parts of the play were extremely funny. I enjoyed it immensely.• Thanks for a lovely evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it.• My father always enjoyed playing golf at weekends.• Now and then he would smile, as though enjoying some dark secret thought.• The team has enjoyed some success this season.• Thus those who have substantial property holdings will receive the highest economic rewards and enjoy superior life chances.• They enjoy the bright colours and sweet smelling flowers.• The student said that he had actually enjoyed the class, and he refused to testify before a panel.• Most of the students said that they had really enjoyed the day out.• Did you enjoy the party?• The park was full of people enjoying themselves in the sunshine.• They were not even deterred by some afternoon rain but carried on enjoying themselves kitted out in colourful Mickey Mouse ponchos.• With such spontaneous performances the players clearly enjoying themselves - the pieces are easy to enjoy.enjoyed every minute• He'd enjoyed every minute of it, felt like a real farmer, but now he was tired.• And he thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.• I got a goal and enjoyed every minute of it.• But we were careless and happy and full of fun, and enjoyed every minute of the day.• Steve McFadden, who plays fiery Phil, enjoyed every minute of the dramatic storyline.• I had enjoyed every minute of the past month.• I know we all enjoyed every minute of the three hectic months.• We enjoyed every minute, thank you all very much.nenjoy!spokenEAT used to say that you hope someone gets pleasure from something you give them 好好享用吧! Here’s your steak – enjoy! 你的牛排来了,好好享用吧!Examples from the Corpusenjoy!• Here's your dinner. Enjoy!From Longman Business Dictionaryenjoyen‧joy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ verb [transitive]1LAWto use a legal right and benefit from itLocal producers enjoy tariff protection at home. —enjoyment noun [uncountable]Development of the golf course will not be permitted if it causes disruption to the public enjoyment of rights of way.2to experience something good such as high profits or increased salesThe company’s computer division has enjoyed revenue growth this year.He claimed that oil companies enjoyed windfall profits as a result of the Gulf War.→ See Verb tableOrigin enjoy (1300-1400) Old French enjoir, from Latin gaudere “to show great happiness”en·joy verb →n GRAMMAR1enjoy!LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  get from something pleasure to Business Corpus




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