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单词 energize
释义 Word family  noun energy adjective energetic energizing verb energize adverb energetically  Related topics: Technologyen·er·gize (also energise British English) /ˈenədʒaɪz $ -ər-/ verb [transitive]  1  ENERGETICto make someone feel more determined and energetic 使增强决心;使充满活力 The charity hopes the campaign will energise its volunteers. 该慈善机构希望此活动会激起志愿者的参与热情。2  technicalT to make a machine work 使〔机器〕运转n Grammar Energize is usually passive in this meaning. —energizing adjective→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusenergize• Love may or may not produce happiness; whether or not it does in the end, its primary effect is to energize.• The cars' electric motors are energized by solar cells.• Everyone who makes a successful move from employee to entrepreneur has those liberating moments they remember as transforming, energizing experiences.• Finally, politics generates conflict, which in turn energizes individuals in organizations.• Days with Loulse were the energized parts of his life.• But now, with the national economy leaner and personal budgets tighter, an energized public is demanding more accountability.• Constructive conflict energizes relationships; they might wither and die if we were ever able to eliminate conflict.• Woods said the women's movement has not been so energized since the mid-1970s.• The accumulator vanes within the hood energize the conductors and insulators of the capacitor to power this incandescent discharge.• But who is going to get energized with sentences like these?en·er·gize verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  more and Corpus feel someone energetic determined to make




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