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单词 eminence grise
释义  em·i·nence grise /ˌemɪnɒns ˈɡriːz $ -nɑːns-/ noun (plural eminences grises) [countable]  someone who has unofficial power, often secretly, through someone else 幕后操纵者 Borusa had no wish to become president, instead preferring to operate as an eminence grise behind the scenes. 博鲁萨无意当总裁,而是更喜欢做一个幕后操纵者。Examples from the Corpuseminence grise• The networks set up by De Gaulle's eminence grise, Jacques Foccart, were replaced or strengthened.Origin eminence grise (1800-1900) French éminence grise “gray eminence”, originally used of Père Joseph, adviser of the French minister Cardinal Richelieuem·i·nence grise nounChineseSyllable  often power, unofficial has someone who through secretly, Corpus someone




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