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单词 embodiment
释义  em·bod·i·ment /ɪmˈbɒdɪmənt $ ɪmˈbɑː-/ noun  the embodiment of something TYPICALsomeone or something that represents or is very typical of an idea or quality 某事物的化身[体现] SYN epitome He is the embodiment of evil. 他是邪恶的化身。Examples from the Corpusembodiment• A firewall is an embodiment of this security policy.• It constituted the institutional embodiment of proletarian unity and class consciousness.• It was the living embodiment of his most passionate convictions.• It was also a kind of Chartres Cathedral, a perfect embodiment of its genre.em·bod·i·ment nounChineseSyllable  very is Corpus or represents of something someone or that typical




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