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单词 emblematic
释义  em·ble·mat·ic /ˌembləˈmætɪk◂/ adjective formal  SIGN/SYMBOLseeming to represent or be a sign of something 象征性的;标志性的 SYN representativeemblematic of The Vespa scooter became emblematic of sophisticated urban culture across Europe. 伟士牌踏板摩托车在欧洲各地都成了时尚都市文化的象征。Examples from the Corpusemblematic• When politics invades religion, legality becomes merely emblematic.• The central relationship in the novel between Serena and Stella is emblematic of the contrast between adaptation to convention and rebellion.• But the murrelet and the owl are merely emblematic of the effects of clear-cutting the remaining Ancient Forest of the Westside.• The experience of these writers was seen as emblematic of the increased social mobility that characterized post-war Britain.• The strangeness of the whole situation comes across very strongly, together with a certain emblematic quality.• Grown-up in his own fisherman's kingdom, his cruelty brands him an emblematic villain.• It is not only a matter of those galleries buying great emblematic works of art.emblematic of• The cowboy is emblematic of not only an era, but a nation.em·ble·mat·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  sign or to something a be seeming of Corpus represent




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