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单词 educationalist
释义 Word family  noun education educationalist educationist educator adjective educated ≠ uneducated educational educable ≠ ineducable educative verb educate adverb educationally  Related topics: Education, Occupationsed·u·ca·tion·al·ist /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃənəlɪst $ ˌedʒə-/ (also educationist /-ʃənɪst/) noun [countable]  SEBO formal someone who knows a lot about ways of teaching and learning 教育家;教育学家Examples from the Corpuseducationalist• Both educationalists and industrialists find these very stimulating. 10.• To an extent educationalists have fallen into a pit of their own making.• Various disciplines were represented including educationalists, psychologists, doctors and others in associated medical professions.• By 1914 Kerschensteiner was probably one of the most quoted of educationalists.• The Programme has been devised by leading primary educationalists and follows the framework of the national curriculum.• They really were head teachers: educationalists first and last.• Quite frankly it makes me angry to realise how the politicians, and fuzzy-thinking educationalists have cocked up my child's schooling.• As well as illuminating a relatively unexplored area, the research should be useful to educationalists and others working with Hindu children.ed·u·ca·tion·al·ist nounChineseSyllable  knows teaching about of a someone lot who and Corpus ways




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