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单词 earth-shattering
释义  ˈearth-ˌshattering adjective  IMPORTANTsurprising or shocking and very important 惊天动地的,震惊世界的 an earth-shattering event 惊天动地的事件Examples from the Corpusearth-shattering• The computer world was abuzz with rumors of two potentially earth-shattering computers.• Hardly earth-shattering confessions, I admit.• A fortnight after she had made this earth-shattering discovery she was amazed when he stuttered out an invitation to the cinema.• Being diagnosed with cancer was an earth-shattering experience.• All her consciousness was centred on that unfamiliar and earth-shattering friction.• Beware: if your conclusion contains earth-shattering information, your reader may miss it.• The documents were not of earth-shattering significance in themselves, but would help business.ˈearth-ˌshattering adjectiveChineseSyllable  very or Corpus and shocking surprising important




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