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单词 earn
释义 Word family  noun earner earnings adjective earned ≠ unearned verb earn  Related topics: Employment, Financeearn /ɜːn $ ɜːrn/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  money for work 报酬 [intransitive, transitive]BEPROFIT to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do 挣(钱) He earns nearly £20,000 a year. 他每年挣近20,000英镑。 You don’t earn much money being a nurse. 当护士挣钱并不多。 He did all sorts of jobs to earn a living. 他为谋生什么活都干。 I was the only person in the house who was earning. 我是家里唯一上班挣钱的人。 She was earning good money at the bank. 她在银行工作,收入不错。 Chris will pay – he’s earning a fortune. 克里斯会付款的,他在挣大钱。► see thesaurus at get2  profit 利润 [transitive]BFEARN to make a profit from business or from putting money in a bank etc 获得〔利润〕 The movie earned £7 million on its first day. 这部电影上映首日便大赚700万英镑。 You could earn a higher rate of interest elsewhere. 你在别处可以获得更高的利率。3  STH deserved 应得之物 [transitive]DESERVE a) to do something or have qualities that make you deserve something 应得;博得 I think you’ve earned a rest. 我想你应该休息一下了。 He soon earned the respect of the players. 他很快赢得了那些运动员的尊敬。 He hopes to earn a place in the team. 他希望在队中获得一席之地。 The company has earned a reputation for reliability. 公司赢得了值得信赖的美名。 b) if your actions or qualities earn you something, they make you deserve to have it 赢得earn somebody something That performance earned her an Oscar as Best Actress. 她在那部影片中的演出使她赢得了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。4  earn your/its keep EARN a) to do jobs in return for being given a home and food 谋生 We older children were expected to earn our keep. 我们大一点的孩子要自己谋生。 b) to be useful enough to be worth the time or money spent 值得所花的时间[金钱] These aircraft are still earning their keep. 这些飞机依然物有所值。n COLLOCATIONSnounsearn moneyI’d like to earn more money than I do now.earn a wage/salaryYou are more likely to earn a decent wage if you have a degree.earn a living (also earn your living) (=earn the money you need to live)She started to earn a living by selling her jewellery on a market stall.earn £30,000 a year/$200 a week/£5 an hour etcNewly qualified teachers earn a minimum of £24,000 a year.earn good money (=earn a lot of money)You can earn good money working in London.earn a fortune (=earn an extremely large amount of money)Footballers at the top clubs earn a fortune these days. THESAURUSearn to be paid a particular amount of money for your work. Earn is more formal than get or make 挣(钱)〔earn比get和make更正式〕A newly-qualified teacher can expect to earn about £20,000 a year. 新取得教师资格的教师每年可以挣约20,000英镑。get to earn a particular amount of money every hour, week etc 〔每小时、每周等〕挣How much do you get an hour? 你一小时挣多少?She gets more than I do. 她挣得比我多。make to earn money, especially a lot of money, or money that is not from regular employment 挣得,获得〔大笔钱或非固定工作收入〕You can make a lot of money in banking. 从事银行业能挣大钱。Jo makes a bit of extra money by selling his paintings. 乔卖自己的画挣些外快。be on something British English to earn a particular amount of money each year. This is the most common way of talking about someone’s salary in British English 工资为…〔这是英国英语中表示工资的最常用说法〕How much are you on? 你工资多少?Some chief executives are on huge salaries. 有些总裁的薪水极高。be/get paid to receive money for work that you do for an employer, not by working for yourself 领报酬Workers are paid around $500 a month. 工人每月薪水大约500美元。I get paid monthly. 我每月领工资。well-paid/badly-paid paid a lot of money/not much money for the work that you do 薪酬高/低well-paid lawyers working in the city 在城市工作的高薪律师It was boring badly-paid work. 这工作很枯燥,工资也低。take home to earn a particular amount of money after tax etc has been taken away from your pay 实得工资是After tax and other deductions, I only take home £200 a week. 扣除税款及其他费用之后,我每周实得工资只有200英镑。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusearn• The Washington Post Company earned $187 million in 1987.• The company earned $187 million in 1998.• Alan earns $30,000 a year.• I've paid as I've earned.• It was twice what he earned.• Poors 500 Index and reinvested the dividends, he would have earned a healthy 37. 5 percent return.• Growers characterize the upcoming battle as a fight for their right to earn a living.• Gail earned her place on the team by practicing hard.• Singh had earned his prize with the shot that tied up this championship.• The 1986 Tax Reform Act ended the differential taxation of earned income and capital gains.• Enjoy your vacation - you've earned it!• At the peak of his career, Rogers was earning more than seven million dollars a year.• It's not uncommon nowadays for women to earn more than their husbands.• Our finances look better if we include the profit earned on the sale of our London offices.• Belinda was three, and he had to earn some money.• Instead they work to earn Trefoils.earning good money• We spent beyond our means when I was playing Test cricket before and earning good money.• If there are more in a household earning good money, they will pay more.• He was working for Uncle Max, and earning good money too.• Employees who are already earning good money will see little point in spending their vouchers.earn ... interest• If not, he is better off to take the money now and either spend it or invest it and earn interest.• Remember, money in pockets earns no interest.• These dollars can then be placed on deposit and earn interest.• The last deposit earns no interest at all.• Provided the margin payments earn interest at the risk-free rate, the resulting no-arbitrage condition is unaltered.• You can earn tax-free interest of as much as 7 per cent on balances as small as £10.• Present value: If you delay paying a bill, you can earn interest on the money in the meantime.• Checks written against money market funds continue to earn interest until the check clears the fund.earned ... reputation• He earned a reputation as a a first-rate draftsman.• Mudge had an earned reputation as a fine craftsman and a fair tradesman.• Through lectures, articles, and letters, she earned a reputation as an expert on workhouses.• Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.• Chavez earned himself a reputation for being unfair.• A team captain, Gumina had earned a reputation for stiff defense, clutch play.• She eschews small fields and has earned a reputation for unearthing longshots in competitive races.From Longman Business Dictionaryearnearn /ɜːnɜːrn/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to be paid money for the work you doThe managing director’s personal assistant earned £35,000 last year.She earns a very respectable wage.Some young people want to start earning as soon as possible. – Pay is the money that you earn by working “What’s the pay?” “About $30 an hour.” A salary is the money that someone is paid every month by their employer, especially someone who is in a profession, such as a teacher, office worker, or manager The university provides a salary of $3000 a month plus benefits. A wage is the money that someone is paid every week by their employer, especially someone who works in a factory, shop etc She earns an hourly wage of $11.Income is all the money that you receive regularly for work His annual income is just over $40,000.Earnings is the total amount of money you earn from the job that you do The average worker’s earnings have not kept up with inflation. A fee is money that you pay to a professional person, such as a doctor or a lawyer, for work that they do Last year the company paid $12 million in legal fees to a single law firm.Remuneration is a formal word for payment for work, especially in the form of a salary and additional benefits such as a car We are offering an attractive remuneration package, including a company car and other benefits.2[transitive] if an investment earns money, it makes a profitIf a bond is not redeemed at maturity, it continues to earn interest.3earn a/your living to earn the money that you need to liveIt’s impossible to earn a decent living in this country. → see also save as you earn→ See Verb tableOrigin earn Old English earnianearn verb →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to Corpus receive particular Business amount a of money




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