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单词 drool
释义  Related topics: Humandrool /druːl/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]HBH British English to let saliva (=the liquid in your mouth) come out of your mouth 流口水,垂涎 → slobber The dog was drooling at the mouth. 那狗嘴上流着口水。2  LOOK AT[intransitive] to show in a silly way that you like someone or something a lot 垂涎,痴迷drool over He was drooling over a Porsche. 他对一辆保时捷很眼馋。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrool• At thirty to forty-five minutes, mouthing and lip-smacking movements begin, and the infant begins to drool.• This game shamelessly rips it off in a way that would have most copyright lawyers drooling.• This stupid dog drools all over the place.• These drooling mutts get into all sorts of trouble during their free time on the streets.• So great, your co-workers will be drooling over it.• And they drooled over its yellow and blue ironwork.• Then, over a light lunch, which had set her mistreated tastebuds drooling, she had planned her strategy.drool over• Sarah was drooling over the lead singer through the whole concert.Origin drool (1800-1900) Perhaps from driveldrool verbChinese  (=the in to liquid let Corpus saliva




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