随便看 |
- sb will be the death of me
- sb will go far
- sb will live to regret it
- sb will murder you
- sb will never hear the last of sth
- sb will not be doing sth again in a hurry
- sb will not be doing sth in a hurry
- sb will not go near sb
- sb will not go near sth
- sb will not rest until
- sb won't be long
- sb won't thank you
- sb won't thank you for doing sth
- sb word is law
- sb words
- sb worst fears were realized
- sb would as soon
- sb would do well to do sth
- sb would give their eye teeth for sth
- sb would give their right arm to do sth
- sb would give the world to do sth
- sb would go far
- sb would just as soon
- sb wouldn't harm a fly
- sb wouldn't hurt a fly
- Confederate states
- Meniscus
- Graduated cylinder
- Gigahertz
- Gigabyte
- Terawatt
- Run on
- Unselfishly
- Next to nothing
- Upset stomach
- 节制词义,节制组词,节制造句
- 节南山
- 节南山》原文|译文|注释|赏析
- 节士不能使人不憎之,而道不可屈也;不能令人不辱之,而行犹在我也;不能令人不摈之,而操之不可改也
- 节士慷慨发冲冠,弯弓挂若木,长剑竦云端
- 节外生枝的意思,节外生枝造句
- 节奏分析
- 节奏词义,节奏组词,节奏造句
- 节妇吟》原文、赏析、鉴赏
- 节律生活与家庭生活制度
- 节操履行,皆人所难,好学修身,深自藏晦。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 节操方正。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 节操颂
- 节文度数,圣人之所以防肆也。伪礼文不如真爱敬,真简率不如伪礼文。伪礼文犹足以成体,真简率每至于逾闲;伪礼文流而为象恭滔天,真简率流而为礼法扫地。七贤八达,简率之极也,举世牛马而晋因以亡。近世士风崇尚简率,荡然无检,嗟嗟!吾莫知所终矣。
- 节日
- Established church句子
- Place of origin句子
- Millwright句子
- Centaurea句子
- Nonaddictive句子
- Nail up句子
- Branchial句子
- For company句子
- Pelargonium句子
- Phospholipase句子
- Undershoot句子
- Tar pit句子
- Absorbent material句子
- Single word句子
- Ladies room句子