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单词 dressmaker
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Clothes & fashiondress·mak·er /ˈdresˌmeɪkə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  BODCsomeone who makes their own clothes, or makes clothes for other people as a job 给自己做衣服的人;裁缝 —dressmaking noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusdressmaker• Talk about dressmaker details!• In the past, people might settle up annually with fishmongers, blacksmiths, dressmakers, and so forth.• He had been her dressmaker since the early thirties and they knew each other very well.• Every town and village had its dressmakers, and even pullovers were usually made locally, knitted to order on machines.• I shall ask my dressmaker from Bodmin to come out and we will see about some new clothes for you.• As a matter of fact, I've also got a resident hairdresser and a resident dressmaker.• But the dressmaker had obviously decided it was too plain and added a few frills to liven it up a bit.dress·mak·er nounChineseSyllable  or makes who someone own clothes, clothes their makes Corpus




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