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单词 draughty
释义  Related topics: Householddraugh·ty British English, drafty American English /ˈdrɑːfti $ ˈdræfti/ adjective  DHAIRa draughty room or building has cold air blowing through it 通风的;有过堂风的 a draughty old house 透风的老房子► see thesaurus at coldExamples from the Corpusdraughty• Big enough to accommodate about twelve lads and in winter it was the least draughty.• For Diana, a heavy tweed jacket for draughty Balmoral would be a snip at £9.95.• They needed to repair the crumbling walls of their draughty homes, too.• It's so draughty in here. Is there a window open?• Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.• Holly-jack had fled there, and perhaps still hid, terrified, in the cold and draughty rooms.• She was used to draughty spaces, soaring walls, a nightly ritual of wraps and hot bricks in winter.• He had said hardly anything since we had picked him up at a draughty street corner where the Hanko road leaves Helsinki.draugh·ty adjectiveChineseSyllable  cold Corpus a has building blowing air draughty room through or




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