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单词 drape
释义  Related topics: Daily lifedrape /dreɪp/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  COVERto put something somewhere so that it hangs or lies loosely 将〔某物松散地〕挂[披]在〔某处〕drape something over/around/across something He took off his coat and draped it over a chair. 他脱下外套搭在椅子上。 Mina lay back, her arms draped lazily over the cushions. 米娜向后躺着,手臂懒懒地搁在靠垫上。2  DCOVERto cover or decorate something with a cloth 〔用布〕披,盖,装饰drape something over/around something Jack emerged with a towel draped around him. 杰克披着一条毛巾走了出来。drape something with/in something The soldiers’ coffins were draped with American flags. 士兵的灵柩上盖着美国国旗。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrape• Across his shoulders was draped a fur collared waterproof and on his hands were those tiny stringy driving gloves.• This she draped over the line, pinning it with a row of clothes pegs.• She woke in a strange room, facing a dressing-table with a scarf just like Geoffrey's draped over the mirror.• Chaises are draped with fringed throws.• Hotels were draped with patriotic bunting.• You draped your best cummerbund over the lampshade?Origin drape (1400-1500) Old French draper, from drap “cloth”drape verbChinese  it lies that hangs something or so somewhere to put Corpus




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