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单词 downside
释义  down·side /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ noun  the downside BADthe negative part or disadvantage of something 〔某事物的〕不足之处,不利方面,缺点 OPP upside Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power. 数字手机安全性更好,但其劣势在于电力不足。the downside of The downside of the book is that it is written in a rather boring style. 这本书的缺点是写作风格太单调。Examples from the Corpusdownside• No one could contemplate fame these days without knowing beforehand of its downside.• Most comfort eaters enjoy it while they're eating, but the downside is they soon start to pile on the pounds.• And it is wise to consider the downside as well as the upside of locating your business in your home.• On the downside, all say the slowing national economy will hinder Texas growth.• The downside is that it can be obtained only through brokers and financial advisers.• The downside to this is that they lose valuable advertising space on television programmes such as Saturday Superstore.down·side nounChineseSyllable  part of disadvantage something Corpus the negative or




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