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单词 double-breasted
释义  Related topics: Clothesˌdouble-ˈbreasted adjective  DCCa double-breasted jacket, coat etc has two sets of buttons 〔夹克、大衣等〕双排纽扣的 → single-breastedExamples from the Corpusdouble-breasted• Rather than base my lifestyle on magazine alerts and warnings, I choose to continue with my double-breasted blazer criterion.• He wore a dark-blue velvet double-breasted jacket with large pearl buttons.• Carlo is wearing a large, double-breasted linen jacket and non-matching royal blue linen trousers over a slate-grey T-shirt and stone shirt.• Evening jackets should be double-breasted or single-breasted, with the appropriate conventional revers or lapels.• All black suede shoes and double-breasted pinstripe, he seemed central casting's idea of the ideal Establishment man.• The history of the double-breasted suit is not as clear.• On Wall Street double-breasted suits and peaked lapels were considered a bit sharp, a bit too Garment District.ˌdouble-ˈbreasted adjectiveChineseSyllable  has two jacket, Corpus etc sets double-breasted a coat




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