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单词 dosser
释义  Related topics: Sociologydoss·er /ˈdɒsə $ ˈdɑːsər/ noun [countable] British English informal  1. SSPOORsomeone who has nowhere to live, and sleeps in the street or in cheap hostels 居无定所的人,露宿街头者;住廉价客栈的人2. someone who is very lazy 懒人Examples from the Corpusdosser• You don't normally find dossers in the countryside.• I had just turned sixteen and they put me in this place that was really for dossers.• Male speaker we're not dossers on the street, we're ordinary people.• What I did with the dossers is put them in very strange settings.doss·er nounChineseSyllable  to sleeps and in Corpus has nowhere someone live, who




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