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单词 dog
释义  Related topics: Animalsdog1 /dɒɡ $ dɒːɡ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  animal 动物HBA a common animal with four legs, fur, and a tail. Dogs are kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs etc 狗 → puppy I could hear a dog barking. 我听到了狗吠声。 He's taken the dog for a walk. 他去遛狗了。 We used to have a dog when I was young. 我小时候我们养过狗。 the most popular breed of dog 最受人喜欢的犬种2. male animal 雄性动物HBA a male dog, fox, or wolf 公狗;雄狐;公狼 → bitch3. woman 妇女INSULT informal not polite an offensive word meaning an unattractive woman 丑婆娘,丑女人4  dog eat dog GETwhen people compete against each other and will do anything to get what they want 残酷无情的竞争 It’s a dog eat dog world out there. 外面是个人吃人的世界。5. be going to the dogs informalWORSE if a country or organization is going to the dogs, it is getting worse and will be difficult to improve 〔国家或机构〕每况愈下,趋于衰败;一蹶不振6  dishonest 不诚实 informal not polite an offensive word for an unpleasant or dishonest man 讨厌的家伙;不老实的东西You dirty dog! 你这不老实的东西!7  a dog’s life spokenDIFFICULT a life that is difficult and unpleasant, with very little pleasure 苦难的生活,猪狗不如的生活 His wife’s a nag who leads him a dog’s life (=makes his life unpleasant). 他老婆是个唠叨鬼,把他的日子搞得苦不堪言。8  make a dog’s breakfast of something DO BADLY British English informal to do something very badly 把某事弄得一团糟 The orchestra made a complete dog’s breakfast of the fourth movement. 这支管弦乐队把第四乐章演奏得一塌糊涂。9  a dog’s dinner DCWAY/MANNER British English informal something that is meant to be impressive or fashionable but that other people think is not 花里胡哨,俗艳 She was dressed up like a dog’s dinner. 她打扮得俗艳不堪。10. not have a dog’s chance British English informalCHANCE/OPPORTUNITY to have no chance of being successful 毫无成功的机会,毫无希望11. every dog has its/his day NOTICEused to say that even the most unimportant person has a time in their life when they are successful and important 凡人皆有得意日12. like a dog with two tails British English informal very pleased and happy because something good has happened 〔因发生了好事情而〕非常高兴,极开心13. a dog in the manger someone who cannot have or does not need something, but does not want anyone else to have it 占着茅坑不拉屎的人14  FEET 脚dogs [plural] American English informal feet 脚 Boy, my dogs really hurt. 天哪,我的脚好疼。15. poor quality 劣质BAD American English informal something that is of very poor quality 质量极差的东西16. dog and pony show American English an event that has only been organized so that people can admire it and think that it is impressive, not for any real purpose 装门面的活动,纯粹为了炫耀的活动17. be the dog’s bollocks British English informal a very rude expression used to say that something is very good 真他妈的棒〔粗鲁的表达法〕18. put on the dog BOAST American English old-fashioned to pretend to be richer, more clever etc than you really are 装阔气;故作聪明19. the dogs DSODGG British English informal a sports event consisting of a series of races for dogs 赛狗 → the hair of the dog at hair(13), → shaggy dog story, → as sick as a dog at sick1(1), → let sleeping dogs lie at sleep1(7), → the tail wagging the dog at tail1(11), → top dog, → treat someone like a dog at treat1(1)n COLLOCATIONSverbshave a dog (=keep one as a pet)We have one dog and two cats.walk a dog/take a dog for a walkShe loves walking her dogs on the beach.a dog bites somebodyTheir dog had bitten a little girl on the leg.a dog barks (=makes short loud sounds)The dog barks every time someone comes to the door.a dog yaps (=barks – used of small dogs)A little dog was yapping at her heels.a dog growls (=makes a long deep angry sound)The dog growled at me as I walked towards it.a dog snarls (=shows its teeth and makes an angry sound)When a dog snarls, it is threatening attack.a dog whines (=makes a long high sound because it is unhappy or in pain)I could hear the dogs whining outside the door.a dog howls (=makes a long loud sound like a wolf)We knew something was wrong because the dogs were howling.a dog pants (=breathes quickly usually with its tongue hanging out)The dog was panting heavily beside her.a dog wags its tail (=moves its tail from side to side to show pleasure)The dog stood up and wagged his tail.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + doga pet dog (=that you keep in your house)Some owners give their pet dogs too much food.a family dog (=that belongs to a family)Labradors make a great family dog.a wild dogPacks of wild dogs roamed the countryside.a stray dog (=a pet dog that is lost)He was always bringing home stray dogs.a guide dog (=trained to guide a blind person)No dogs except guide dogs are allowed in the store.a guard dog (=trained to guard a building)The guard dog growled at him.a police dog (=trained to help the police)Police dogs helped in the search for the missing child.a sniffer dog British English (=trained to find drugs or bombs)Police and sniffer dogs have become a regular presence at the + NOUNdog fooda can of dog fooda dog ownerDog owners must be responsible for controlling their animals.a dog lover (=someone who loves dogs)Britain is a nation of dog lovers.a dog handler (=someone whose job is training and working with dogs)Dog handlers decided that the dog was dangerous and should be shot.a dog show (=competition for the best dog)Crufts is the largest dog show in the world.phrasesa breed of dog (=a type of dog)It is one of the most fashionable breeds of dog.a pack of dogs (=a group of wild dogs or stray dogs)There are packs of wild dogs in the mountains.Good dog! (=said to a dog when it obeys you)Sit! Good dog!Beware of the dog! (=a sign warning people that there is a dog inside a place)There was a sign on the gate saying 'Beware of the dog!'.Examples from the Corpusdog• It was a dog of a movie.• Most of the women he goes out with are dogs.• the family dogdog2 ●○○ verb (dogged, dogging) [transitive]  1  PROBLEMif a problem or bad luck dogs you, it causes trouble for a long time 〔问题或噩运〕长期困扰,紧随〔某人〕 He has been dogged by injury all season. 他整个赛季不断受伤。2. FOLLOWto follow close behind someone 跟踪,紧跟〔某人〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdog• Plans for the new campus have been dogged by controversy from the start.• Clinton also remains dogged by his avoidance of the draft three decades ago.• The fifty nine year old singer who'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday.• The team has been dogged by injury all season.• All these advances have been real, even when dogged by the ills of which I told you.• Persistent colds, coughs and a temperature have dogged her for the last year.• The press dogged him relentlessly.• Zambia had none of the heritage of war and violence that dogged, say, Kenya or Zimbabwe.• But the distrust their action engendered has dogged the investigation since.From Longman Business Dictionarydogdog /dɒgdɒːg/ noun [countable]MARKETING in the GROWTH/SHARE MATRIX, a product with low market share in a low-growth marketOrigin dog1 Old English docgadog1 noun →10-19 →n COLLOCATIONS1dog2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  animal fur, a Business common legs, Corpus with and four




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