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单词 doctor
释义  Related topics: Nurses, doctors, etc, Collegedoc·tor1 /ˈdɒktə $ ˈdɑːktər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  MN (written abbreviation Dr) someone who is trained to treat people who are ill 医生,大夫 → GP She was treated by her local doctor. 她由她的本区医生治疗。 I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr Pugh. 我想预约看皮尤医生。the doctor’s informal (=the place where your doctor works) 诊所 ‘Where’s Sandy today?’ ‘I think she’s at the doctor’s.’ “桑迪今天到哪儿去了?” “我想她是去看病了。” →4  See picture of 见图 OCCUPATION2  SECsomeone who holds the highest level of degree given by a university 博士 → doctoral a Doctor of Law 法学博士3  be just what the doctor ordered informal to be exactly what someone needs or wants 正是最需要[想要]的 A 2–0 victory is just what the doctor ordered. 一场2比0的胜利来得正是时候。 COLLOCATIONSverbsgo to the doctor 去看病I’d been having bad headaches so I went to the doctor. 我头痛得厉害,于是去看病了。see a doctor (also visit a doctor American English) (=go to the doctor) 看医生Have you seen a doctor about it yet? 你找医生看过了吗?ask a doctor (also consult a doctor formal) 咨询医生If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. 如果出现任何这些症状,应该咨询医生。call a doctor (=telephone one, especially to ask them to come to you) 打电话叫医生His mother was very worried and called the doctor. 他母亲很担心,于是打电话叫医生来。get a doctor (=arrange for one to come to you) 叫来医生nIn the middle of the night we decided to get the doctor.a doctor examines somebody 医生为某人作检查nThe doctor examined her and said she had a chest infection.a doctor prescribes something (=writes an order for medicine for someone) 医生开药nMy doctor prescribed a course of doctor diagnoses flu/depression etc (=says what illness someone has)The doctor diagnosed malaria.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + doctora family doctor (=who treats all the members of a family) 家庭医生We’ve had the same family doctor for fifteen years. 我们15年一直看同一个家庭医生。somebody’s local doctor (=working near where you live) 某人的本区医生nYou should go and see your local doctor.a hospital doctor British English (=working in a hospital) 医院医生nJunior hospital doctors have to work very long hours. THESAURUSdoctor someone who treats people who are ill, who has completed a long course of study at medical school 医生If you have bad chest pains, you should see a doctor. 要是胸口痛得厉害,应该去看医生。GP British English a doctor who is trained in general medicine and who treats the people who live in a local area 〔在某一地区行医的〕全科医生My GP told me that I must lose weight. 我的医生对我说我必须减肥。physician /fəˈzɪʃən/ formal especially American English a doctor 医生the American physician, Dr James Tyler Kent 美国医生,詹姆斯·泰勒·肯特nquack informal someone who pretends to be a doctorMy father felt that people practicing alternative medicine were just a bunch of quacks. the medical profession doctors and nurses considered as a group 医学界This view is widely accepted among the medical profession. 这种观点在医学界被广泛接受。surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒən $ ˈsɜːr-/ a doctor who does operations in a hospital 外科医生One of the world’s top heart surgeons performed the operation. 一位世界顶级心脏外科医生为这次手术主刀。specialist a doctor with special knowledge about a particular illness, part of the body, or type of treatment 专科医生The new drug is being tested by cancer specialists. 这种新药癌症专家正在试验。an eye specialist 眼科医生consultant British English a very senior doctor in a hospital, with a lot of knowledge about a particular area of medicine 会诊医师The consultant said that he did not think it was cancer. 会诊医师说他认为不是癌。paramedic someone who has been trained to treat sick or injured people, especially at the scene of an accident 〔尤指在事故现场施救的〕医务辅助人员Paramedics treated him for shock. 医务辅助人员针对他的休克进行了急救处理。vet (also veterinarian especially American English) a doctor who treats animals 兽医We took the cat to the vet. 我们带猫去看兽医。npaediatrician British English, pediatrician American English a doctor who treats children who are sickngynaecologist British English, gynecologist American English a doctor who treats medical conditions and illnesses that affect women’s bodiesnobstetrician a doctor who deals with the birth of childrennradiographer someone whose job is to take X-rays or to treat people using an X-ray machinea doctor who treats mental illness 精神科医生psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst $ sə-/ a doctor who is trained to treat people with mental illnesses 精神科医生In order to become a psychiatrist, you first need a medical degree. 要成为精神科医生,首先要取得医学学位。psychologist /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst $ -ˈkɑː-/ a scientist who studies and is trained in psychology (=the study of the mind) 心理学家Many psychologists believe that aggression is a learned behaviour. 许多心理学家认为攻击性行为是后天习得的。nshrink informal a humorous word for a psychiatristtherapist a trained person whose job is to help people with their emotional problems, especially by talking to them and asking them to talk about their feelings (情感问题的)治疗专家someone who is studying to be a doctor 医科学生medical student a student who is studying medicine in order to be a doctor 医科学生James is a medical student at Edinburgh university. 詹姆斯是爱丁堡大学的一名医科学生。intern American English a student who has almost finished studying to be a doctor, and who is working in a hospital 实习医生,实习医师Examples from the Corpusdoctor• Doctor, I keep getting a pain in my throat.• Tracy is interested in journalism, but Sarah wants to be a doctor.• She looks very ill - you'd better call a doctor.• One of the Peckhams' sons is a poet, another is an environmental consultant, and the third is a doctor.• A partnership needs to be established between doctors and management with both controlling resources so that they are interdependent.• The program has been hailed by doctors as a model for other developing countries, where few can afford expensive treatment.• She further offended doctors by clinging to patently wrong ideas.• This is a particularly cruel irony because as the 1911 census revealed doctors had the smallest families of all categories of occupations.• I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Patel some time this morning.• "Where's Karen?" "She's at the doctor's."• I went to see the doctor about my cough but she said there was nothing wrong with me.• I made an appointment with Doctor Sangha for next Monday.Related topics: Hospitaldoctor2 verb [transitive]  1  TRICK/DECEIVEto dishonestly change something in order to gain an advantage 窜改,伪造 He had doctored his passport to pass her off as his daughter. 他窜改了护照,谎称她是他的女儿。 There are concerns that some players have been doctoring the ball. 有人担心说一些选手在球上做手脚。2  INJUREto add something harmful to food or drink 在〔食物或饮料中〕添加有害物质 Paul suspected that his drink had been doctored. 保罗怀疑他的饮料被人加了东西。3  MHHBAto remove part of the sex organs of an animal to prevent it from having babies 阉割〔动物〕 SYN neuter You should have your cat doctored. 你应该把你家的猫阉割了。4  to give someone medical treatment, especially when you are not a doctor 〔尤指不是医生的人〕给…治病 Bill doctored the horses with a strong-smelling ointment. 比尔用一种气味强烈的膏药给那些马治病。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdoctor• Photographs can easily be doctored.• Gina gently doctored Clint's injured hand.• Their liquor has been nicely doctored - gave them an extra ration of ale to celebrate my arrival!• Nancy likes to doctor her coffee with a shot of whisky.• Two other writers were brought in to doctor the script before they finally returned to finish their task.From Longman Business Dictionarydoctordoc‧tor1 /ˈdɒktəˈdɑːktər/ noun [countable]1someone who is trained to treat sick or injured people → company doctor2someone who has a DOCTORATE from a universitydoctordoctor2 verb [transitive] to change something, especially in order to deceive peoplePolice uncovered 43 cars for sale with doctored mileage readings.→ See Verb tableOrigin doctor1 (1300-1400) Old French doctour, from Latin doctor “teacher”, from docere “to teach”doc·tor1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1doctor2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   is Business who Corpus someone treat to trained




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