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单词 divisible
释义 Word family  noun divide division subdivision adjective divided ≠ undivided divisible ≠ indivisible divisive verb divide subdivide  Related topics: Numbersdi·vis·i·ble /dəˈvɪzəbəl/ adjective [not before noun]  HMNable to be divided, for example by a number 可分的;可除尽的 OPP indivisibledivisible by 6 is divisible by 3. 6 可被 3 除尽。divisible into The story is divisible into three parts. 这故事可分为三部分。Examples from the Corpusdivisible• Actually, Guardian letters are divisible.• A prime number is a number that is not exactly divisible by any other number.• He preferred to do things in threes because he favored numbers divisible by three.• It applied the methods of Kent campus to imaginary grievances in a divided, or divisible, community in Northern Ireland.• The reason I ran was divisible in at least two parts.• These goods are divisible in that they come in units small enough to be afforded by individual buyers.• The central nervous system is divisible into the brain or cerebral ganglion, the suboesophageal ganglion and the ventral nerve-cord. 1.• After examining such evidence, the Oregon court agreed with the teacher that the contract was not divisible into two parts.divisible by• 15 is divisible by 3.di·vis·i·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  example by to for Corpus able divided, be




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