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单词 divan
释义  Related topics: Furnituredi·van /dɪˈvæn $ ˈdaɪvæn/ noun [countable]  1. DHFa bed with a thick base 〔有厚床架的〕床2. DHFa long low soft seat without a back or arms 〔无靠背和扶手的〕长沙发Examples from the Corpusdivan• It was a modest but comfortably furnished room with a divan, low tables and large leather cushions on the floor.• It was furnished simply and graciously, with deep armchairs and divans.• Under a wooden veranda lay a spread of carpets and divans.• They sat on the musty divan with a scratchy wool plaid blanket covering them to their chins.• The episode of the divan on the stairs had occurred three days ago.• I always asked his permission before taking a place next to him on the divan.Origin divan (1500-1600) Turkish Persian diwan “official book, council room, seat in such a room”di·van nounChineseSyllable  bed a Corpus a base thick with




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