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单词 distrust
释义 Word family  noun trust ≠ distrust ≠ mistrust trustee trusteeship trustworthiness adjective trusting trustworthy ≠ untrustworthy trusty distrustful mistrustful verb trust ≠ distrust ≠ mistrust  dis·trust1 /dɪsˈtrʌst/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  TRUSTa feeling that you cannot trust someone 不信任,怀疑 → mistrust Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust. 当地人对警察持怀疑、不信任的态度。distrust of Dylan’s deep distrust of journalists made him difficult to interview. 迪伦对记者的极度不信任使他们很难采访他。 —distrustful adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdistrust• This is how markets operate the world over, but distrust of Billingsgate's dealing seems to be a problem.• The setback reflects the deep distrust between the two sides.• As a result, perhaps, her distrust of the Washington establishment, and the news media in particular, is palpable.• Until then there can be only more distrust, hatred and violence.• Families are about love and trust; law is the guarantor of distrust.• It is more a gut feeling-a visceral distrust of foreigners.• Many people regard politicians with distrust.deep distrust• In consequence, there has arisen a deep distrust of sentences and, of the grammar they exemplify.• But a deep distrust of government by many lawmakers almost ensures a modest response, or none at all.• There was then a deep distrust throughout the party. as Law discovered in 1920: Bonar addressed a mass meeting.• Despite the apparent goodwill, deep distrust was reported to remain among the factions.• The resulting deep distrust provoked by social surfaces leaves Chandler unimpressed by anything as literal as an economic recovery.• The setback reflects the deep distrust between the two sides.distrust2 ●○○ verb [transitive]  TRUSTto not trust someone or something 不信任,怀疑 OPP trust She had every reason to distrust him. 她完全有理由不信任他。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdistrust• Stone already distrusted anyone outside the mortgage department.• He distrusts banks.• Although Hampden Babylon will be distrusted by managers, administrators, footballers and agents, it has been written from inside football.• Mythic images may be the ones to distrust most.• He had always distrusted people with eyes that colour, unreasonably no doubt.• Modigliani's profound humanism and pessimism made him distrust political systems.• At first I distrust this seeming complicity with the police.• The absurdity of describing a nationality she distrusted to a man she knew she loathed struck her at once.dis·trust1 noundistrust2 verbChineseSyllable   Corpus cannot feeling a someone you that trust




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