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单词 distracted
释义  dis·tract·ed /dɪˈstræktɪd/ adjective  CONFUSEDanxious and unable to think clearly 心神不定的,心烦意乱的,精神无法集中的 —distractedly adverbExamples from the Corpusdistracted• She came back from the telephone booth quickly, looking distracted.• When you are having a telephone conversation you are more likely to be distracted and let your attention wander.• The distracted car driver who arrives at her destination without mishap ipsofacto saw where she was going.• In a kind of distracted daze, she stood on the sidelines as the police arrived and started asking questions.• He had a distracted, drowned look, which was most unpleasant.• On the glistening horizon two black dots appeared, separated, and became helicopters roaring low overhead and scattering the distracted fowl.• Let us strike the blow which is to restore peace and union to this distracted land.• Amanda is very easily distracted, she takes forever to do anything.dis·tract·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus unable and to think clearly anxious




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