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单词 disreputable
释义 Word family  noun reputation repute disrepute adjective reputable ≠ disreputable reputed adverb reputedly  dis·rep·u·ta·ble /dɪsˈrepjətəbəl/ adjective  DISHONESTconsidered to be dishonest, bad, illegal etc 名声不好的,不名誉的,不光彩的 OPP reputable disreputable behavior 不名誉的行为 a disreputable neighbourhood 名声不好的街区Examples from the Corpusdisreputable• They made an odd pair, she bony and remote, he heavy, grubby and vaguely disreputable.• He had been a leather merchant and a tanner, and had been involved in some disreputable affair.• Strolling back to the station I saw a man and woman leaving a disreputable hotel.• He also had an inclination to attach himself, whether as ally or enemy, to dangerous and disreputable people.• Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational, morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal, overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness.• Jack usually got his information from fairly disreputable sources.dis·rep·u·ta·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc considered bad, be Corpus to illegal dishonest,




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